S1>07: Cerulean City Gym and The Cerulean Sisters

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Thank you all for all waiting!


After leaving Mt. Moon and seeing not too friendly message from Gary, our heroes head their way towards Cerulean City where Yuna will earn her next Gym Badge.

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The trip to Cerulean City long as quite, till someone couldn't take it anymore.

"Argh! I can't take it! Please, someone talk it's too quite, the silence is killing me." Mairin complained.

"..." Everyone looked at each other and sighs.

Takato nodded agreeing, "Nee-chan, can you please play the Oración?" He asked, to be honest he wasn't feeling great, he's still mad about the message Gary left.

Yuna raised an eyebrow but nodded, "Light, can you find me a leaf?" She asked her partner.

"Pikapi. (Of course)" Lightning got down from her shoulder and began running towards a tree, picking a leaf off and running back to her trainer.

"What's Oración?" Mairin asked.

"It's a melody that's from the Sinnoh Region, I heard it once on the radio and sorted off starting playing it with a leaf." Yuna shrugged, she took the leaf, "Thanks buddy."

"Pikachu. (No worries)" The electric mouse smiled and jumped back onto her trainer shoulder.

As they continued to walk, Yuna place the leaf onto her lip and blew on it, a beautiful melody was coming off it, putting everyone at ease making them feel calm.

♪♪ ~ 🎶 -🎵(Pokémon: Oración) ♪ ~ ♪

Takato closed his eyes, feeling the melody calming him down and forgetting what made him mad.

It wasn't long when the beautiful melody soon came to an end.

🎼 ~ ♪ 🎶🎵 ...

"That... was... beautiful..." Mairin said, awed by the melody.

"Chespin. (Lovely)" Chespie smiled.

"It's was great. It's has a really soothing melody." Alain said.

Brock nodded, "I agree, it's really calms everything down."

Takato relaxed, "I need that." He said. "Thanks."

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