S1>05: Pewter City and Pewter City Rock Gym Battle!

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[Hello to all Pokémon readers sorry the long wait, just been busy with things, anyway. Onto the story.]

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After a challenge of a boy named Samurai in Viridian Forest and Team Rocket interference was dealt with, we now find our heroes arriving in Pewter City.

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"Yatta! We're here at last!" Takato cheered.

"Finally!" Mairin gasped for some air.

Yuna laughed, while Alain shook his head in a amused matter.

"Come on!" Takato laughed and began to run towards Pewter City where Yuna will earn her first gym badge.

"Rarf!" Zachary barked happily, running after his trainer.

"Wait up!" Mairin exclaimed.

"Che Chespin!" Chespie exclaimed worriedly, running after his trainer.

"Takato! Mairin! Don't run so fast, you'll hurt yourself!" Yuna scolded as she walked down the path with Lightning on her shoulder.

"I don't know what's worst. Kids having so much energy or 24/7 of Mairin's complaining." Alain said.

Yunalesca giggled.

Speaking of the two young kids and their Pokémon, were currently standing on a rock looking at the town.

Mairin frowned, "This is nothing but grey colour." She said.

"That's because Pewter City is grey." A voice said.

Takato, Mairin and their Pokémon looked down to the source of the voice and they saw a man with a beaded wearing shabby clothes and a red beanie, sitting below them.

"The colour of stone, this town has always been famous for stone." The man continued.

The kids looked at each other and turned back to the strange man.

"Who are you mister?" Takato asked.

"The names Flint and your standing on my merchandise, young man and young lady." Flint replied.

"Ah." Takato and Mairin gasped immediately as they hopped off the rock. "We're sorry for stepping on your merchandise mister." They both bowed in apology.

"Takato! Mairin!" A familiar voice called out.

Takato and Mairin both turned around seeing their older sibling.

"Nee-chan!" Takato ran up to his sister and told her about what happen.

Yuna bowed polity to the man, "I'm sorry for my otouto for stepping on your merchandise, sir." She said.

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