S1>40: The Ultimate Pokémon Test?

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---- [Break Scene] ----

"Alright! Time to eat!" The gang expect for Volkner and Alain said.

They began to munch on some sandwiches that Brock and Yuna made and the Pokémon are eating some PokéPuffs.

"Hey Yuna, I think you should take the Pokémon League Admissions Exam." Todd told the oldest Ketchum.

"Pika?" Light said.

"Rai?" Raichu said.

"Togephrii~~" Rafa blinked, carefully eating a small bits of PokéPuff.

Yuna blinked twice, "Pokémon League Admissions Exam? What's that?" She asked.

"I've heard of that. It's an exam that trainers take and if you pass it, you'll be admitted into the Pokémon League." Flint explained, thoughtfully.

"It's not really something to take interest in." Volkner added in his opinion.

"Sounds boring as well. It's reminds me of that Tech School." Alain said.

Yuna agreed, "I prefer the travelling and collecting Gym badges way. It helps my Pokémon and I gain experience from it." She said, "But it wouldn't be bad to try it out."

"..." The kids didn't say anything because they were to busy eating their delicious lunch.

---- [Break Scene] ----

They traveled to the area of the Pokémon League Exam, a building.

Yuna walked in and signed up for it, writing all the information needed and saw was ready.

"Here at the Pokémon League Admissions Centre we evaluate applications basic on the combine of written and practical skill exams." The Head Instructor explains, "And those who pass will receive this badge qualifying them for the Pokémon League."


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"Chu... (Oh...)" Korin said.

"Take this. It's your testing number." The Head Instructor gave Yuna a pin badge with the number 7 on it.

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