S1>33: The Song of the Jigglypuff? What's Wrong?

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Our heroes are now in a dark cold desert, the gang al felt exhausted and really tired, they need to rest soon.

"So, where is the town you were talking about Brock?" Yuna asked, tiredly.

"Please say we're nearly there." Mairin whined.

"We're almost there, just over the desert and we'll see it." Brock answered.

"Yeah~ We don't have to camp out here and not I'm complaining about the camping because there is a bed." Takato said.

Alain saw some lights, "It's here." He said, tiredly.

The others looked up and saw the town they are stopping at. It was a bright town, called Neon Town.

 It was a bright town, called Neon Town

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When they entered the city, there was lots of bright lights, the lights looks like an effect on screen and people were still walking about.

"Oh man, look at all these lights." Takato said.

"It looks like its day time here." Mairin said.

"Neon City, people loves to come here because its opened all day and night." Brock said.

"What? It's never closes?" Yuna asked.

"No, it action 24 hours a day." Brock replied.

Alain sighs tiredly, "Why do I not like this town?" He muttered.

Yuna heard him, "Your not the only one who's thinking that." She said.

The gang sighs and continued to walked through the city.

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They were now passing by a Casino area, seeing lots of people playing slots machines and many other games in there.

But the gang was only interested in finding a hotel to sleep.

"We need to find the hotel and soon." Yuna said, looking at the kids, "They won't stay awake much longer."

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