S1>17: The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

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Ghost Festival~ Ghost Festival~ Legend

----   [Break Scene] ----

Today we have our heroes traveling by the ferry to Maiden's Peak a place where a festival is now taking place. But is the festival only thing that's there?

"Saffron Gym..." Yuna muttered, silently lending on the ferry rail, thinking about the gym.

Alain walked towards Yuna, "What's wrong?" He asked.

Yuna looked up, seeing the oldest Sycamore, "Nothing much. I'm just thinking about Saffron gym leader, somehow I have a bad or good feeling." She answered.

Brock walked towards them, "You might what to listen about this." He said.

"Listen about what?"

"I've heard some weird rumours about Sabrina the Saffron Gym Leader that she's psychic and a dangerous one."

Yuna eyes narrowed, "Psychic huh?"

Brock nodded, "Yeah and some trainers actually avoid going to Saffron City because they don't want to meet Sabrina." He said.

"I see." Yuna frowned.

Takato and Mairin ran towards them, happily. "Look! We're here!" They pointed.

They looked in the direction the two kids pointed and they were right; the place they were stopping by was Maiden's Peak.

Having docked from the ferry the gang found out something exciting going on.

"Maiden's Peak welcomes the passengers arriving from Porta Vista! We invite you all to attend our annual Summer's Festival now in process!"

"Heh~ A festival, sounds great." Yuna smiled.

"Wah~ Looks fun," Mairin started.

"Lets check it," Takato continued.

"Out!" Both kids exclaimed, excited.

The older kids sweat dropped, they been able to finish each other sentences for a while now. How Twin like.

Brock notice someone on one of the docks, "Huh? Who's that?" He asked.

Light turned and saw a really young girl or woman with long lavender hair wearing a white shirt and long white skirt, standing at the docks.

The electric mouse Pokémon blinked, "Pika... Cha?"

The young woman turned her head to the side, facing Light and Brock, she faded and showed something completely different.

The young woman turned her head to the side, facing Light and Brock, she faded and showed something completely different

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