Chapter One

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The bedroom is Katherine's BTW


Katherine's POV

I woke up. Ew. It's a Monday. I have school. EEEEEWWW. I was at the Cullens, as usual. Sam pissed me off again. He said I couldn't go see the Cullens anymore. So I went.

Yeah, that's kinda a fact about me. Once you tell me I can't do something I do it. As long as it doesn't hurt me, other people or against the law.

I went to the bathroom and got dressed. The reason I don't go to the same school as my pack's is because....well Forks has air-condition.

And I LOVE the cold. Rainy days are my favourite.

I came into my room wearing a a black vest, a light brown skirt with black leggings underneath and boots. I left my hair down.

I went downstairs. Everyone was there except Bella. We usually pick her up on the way.

Esme had already made breakfast for me.

I always feel bad about that because I'm the only one who eats here, and Esme usually cooks for me.

"Good morning," I said.

They all said good morning back and Rose came and sat next to me, staring.

"What?" I asked through a mouthful of eggs.

"How does that taste?" she asked.

I shoved some in her mouth. "Like that," I said.

"Oh," she said, her voice mumbled. I put a lot in her mouth.

I giggled. Soom she began laughing with me. That was the weird thing about us. What other people do to her, she gives them the evil eye. When I do it, it's funny.

I finished eating and washed my plate. I hated to have Esme do more work because of me.

"Time to go. we can't be late first day. Again," said Alice, glaring at Emmett.

Last time, Emmett dressed up as Superman and decided he was wearing that to go to school.

It took over half an hour for Edward and Jasper to get him changed.

Emmett made a face at Alice. Them picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

"Then let's go nooooooooooooooow!!!" he yelled running outside with me still on his shoulder.

"Emmett stop I just ate! I'll vomit on you if you don't put me down," I warned.

I was set softly on the ground. "Thank you," I said.

Edward came out. Annoying prick. "We'll take my car," he said.

Good, good. Rosalie linked arms with me and we ran up to Edward to walk with him.

You're probably wondering why would I walk with him when I hate him. You'll see.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???" Edward shouted.

Rosalie, Emmett and I cracked up.

On his Volvo there was a big sparkly red bow on it. Emmett occupied Edward while me and Rose sneaked out last night to do it.

Even Alice and Jasper were stifling laughs.

Edward tore off the bow and flung it at me.

"What's the matter Edwardo? It looked kinda boring before," I said, still giggling.

"Never do that again," he warned.

"Ok. I won't do THAT again," I said thinking of all the other stuff I could do to his car.

We got in and headed for Forks High School. We didn't have to pick up Bella again.

Apparently, she got a new car. Good, she was annoying anyways.

I don't like Bella at all. Why? Simple. I could read Bella's mind too even though Edward can't.

She doesn't have a special block or anything. Something's just wrong with Edward.

She's always thinking about Jake. Even when she's with Edward. And not in the friend way.

I hate Edward but still. No one deserves to be treated like that, even though Edward doesn't know.

She likes Jacob. You can tell. But she likes Edward too.

Bella's in a mess. She really needs to sort herself out. Oh well.

We arrived at Forks. EW.

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