Chapter Thirty Three

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Katherine's POV

Oh God. No. My eyes were seeing things. Emmett is gonna walk out of those woods yelling, "Haha! you should've seen your faces!"

I turned around and stared at the trees. Nothing but green with chunks of white here and there.

Rose raced up to Edward and gently took the shirt from him. She began to shake uncontrollably.

Edward slipped his arm around her shoulders. I went up to them and rubbed Rose's back.

I won't cry. Not yet. Rosalie didn't need to see a bunch of crying faces. She needed to see people who would be strong for her.

Jasper sniffed the air. "I can't smell anything," he said, sadly.

We could tell Alice was trying to see if anything was happening but nothing was since she didn't say anything.

I felt my eyes beginning to water. I sucked them back in. Something nudged my hand.

I glanced down and saw Jacob. I smiled, a tiny little smile, barely noticeable. Jake looked at me with sad eyes.

He once told me Emmett was his favourite one out of all of them. He didn't know why, he just liked him.

I patted his head. Kneeling down, I buried my face into his fur. Sure, it smelled like wet dog. But right now, it was somehow comforting.

Jacob pulled away from me and he, Seth, Leah and Quil went to Rosalie. She knelt down next to them.

Seth rubbed his nose against her arm. Rosalie's eyes began to fill once more, before she hid her face in his fur, sobbing.

Jake and the others crowded around her. I guess she needed warmth. Warmth and comfort. Something my brothers and sister would always have.

Even though the rest of my family wasn't here.

Suddenly, something cracked. Like a stick or something. Leah pulled away and stood in front of Rose, shielding her from anything that might come her way.

Absentmindedly, all of us came closer together, until we were all standing in one little huddled group.

Something white flashed by. No, that wasn't possible. We pulled apart all of them. Right?

A vampire stood in front of us, his clothes ripped where we pulled off his limbs. Wait a second...

That was the vampire I saved Bella from. "Guess you didn't do a very good job, did you?" he laughed.

Before we could leap at him, he raced around, picking up various chunks of white. Not all though, just some.

Alice leaped forward and grabbed about two white pieces when he wasn't looking. She tossed it down to Quil and Seth, who covered it.

Edward made a dash for him, but he was already gone. He was pretty fast. Raced into the forest, so fast I didn't even see which direction he went in.

(A/N I couldn't resist...direction.....ONE DIRECTION!!!! <3 :D)

I turned on Bella. "Bella, did you throw the pieces of him into random parts of the forest, or the same place?" I asked slowly.

"The same place. Why? Didn't make a difference," she said carelessly, shrugging her shoulders. I felt rage grow inside me.

I felt a wave of sudden calm come over me. I thanked Jasper with my eyes.

If it weren't for him, I might end up drenching Bella, making a big hole underneath her feet, make wind blow on he so hard she shook with coldness, then setting the retard on fire.

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