Chapter Thirty Seven

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Here's a pic of Katherine, in case you forget how pretty she is!!! :)


Katherine's POV

Okay, seriously? Bella? That...that....that MUDBLOOD!

I couldn't think of anything else, forgive me. 

Why would she tell them? Did she really hate me that much? She was standing right in front of me, so time to get some answers.

"You? Why would you tell them? Why do you hate me so much?" I wanted to scream, but the words came out softly.

"You took Edward away from me, Katherine. He loved me. He still does," she replied, her voice cold.

"No he doesn't! He left you! How many times does he have to say it before it can get through your thick skull?!" I screamed.

"I want him, Kat. One way or the other he will be with me."

"Oh really? And how do you intend to do that?" I asked, a smirk coming on my face.


She came closer to me and before I could stop her, Bella pulled a single strand of hair from my head.

Bella took the strand and put it in her mouth. 

Under normal circumstances, I would have been like, "Eeew," but this wasn't normal, and I wanted to see what she was doing.

Her  face began to look odd. She turned her head in a slow circle. Her hair got a little darker, like mine.

Her skin became paler, and her body got taller. Bella's hips got smaller. She kept her head to the ground.

But when she looked up, it was like staring into a mirror. Her eyes were green. Like mine.

Her hair was brown, like mine

She, in fact, was me.

I whimpered. "How? How did you--" I couldn't finish.

"Ever wondered what my ability was, Kat? No, you never did. Well, you found out," she said, with a sweet smile on her face. She even sounded like me.

Calmly, she put her hand inside her mouth and drew out the strand, dropping it on the ground.

I was expecting her to turn back to normal, but she didn't.

Bella must have noticed my confusion, and horror at the same time. "All I needed was your DNA. Now that I have it, I will stay like this for exactly forty-eight hours," she explained.

She came closer and ripped out seven more strands. "I'll be back for more," she said, smiling pleasantly, but cold.

Suddenly, I was thinking. What the hell was I doing? One flick of my wrist and I could kill all of them.

Concentrating, I imagined a big gaping hole in the earth. Nothing happened. I closed my eyes. Still, nothing happened. What the hell?

Felix was the only one who could contain your abilities, and he was dead. Then I noticed Bella.

"No, that's impossible," I said out loud.

"Of course it is Katherine. Stupid girl," said Aro. I'd almost forgotten he was there.

And, one last Dark Thing stepped out from the forest.

I gasped. It was Felix. No wait, he looked different. He spoke, "So you are the Abomination my brother has spoke of."


"Please, you cannot possibly think all vampires have no siblings. I am Harold, his brother who has the same ability as he does. I cannot do anything else, but that," he said, a dark look crossing his face.

I got the feeling he was jealous of his brother, being the ruler and all that, while he was just that, his brother.

I sighed. Apparently, I wasn't going to be able to do anything for a while.

"What are you going to do with me?" I asked fearfully. Forget playing Wonder Woman, I was scared.

"Well, you Katherine, will come with us to Italy where we will analyze you, make sure you can't make any others like you, and then put you to death," said Harold calmly.

"Please, the Cullens will come looking for me faster than you can even blink," I snapped.

"And that, is where I come in!" said Bella, dancing in happiness. "I told you I'd get him," she said smugly.

Of course. They would take me, do whatever, kill me, and all that time, Edward would be with someone else.

Someone who looked like me. But she still wasn't me. They really thought this through.

He would be with the same faker he was with a few months ago. My eyes watered. I had to get free of these people.

"Unfortunately, we cannot take you just yet. We will have to stay for about three days, to make sure everything goes smoothly," said Marcus.

"Go now," he said to Bella.

She gave me a cold smile, then ran deeper into the forest. I could see her go steady for a millisecond, before she smacked into a tree.

I snickered, then turned away.

Marcus stared at me, hatred in his eyes. 

Trust me old man, the feeling's mutual.

Aro returned with a coil of rope, which he began to tie me up with. Well that's stupid. I'm a vampire, it's like telling someone to stay in a room and not locking the door.

But the rope smelled odd. After a deep smell, I realized they soaked the rope in gas. Aro tied a huge knot for my hands, but left a long piece trailing after. He did the same to my feet.

That was actually smart. All they had to do was light the end of the rope on fire, and watch it speed toward me if I started to act up.

Aro grinned devilishly at me. I glared at him.

Aro and Marucs left, saying something about needing to feed. They left Harold guarding me.

There were two boxes of matches next to the log he was sitting on.

"And now we wait," he said, idly striking a match, letting it burn down before putting it out and dropping it on the ground.

What to do, what to do? If only Edward was reading my mind right now, but a likely chance he wasn't he knew I hated it when he did that.

Well I liked it in a weird way, but not all the time, it would be like an invasion of privacy.

The pack! Oh no, I wasn't a werewolf anymore. I wouldn't have a connection with them anymore. Or would I?

Carlisle did say I had some werewolf in me, my eyes didn't turn gold, to my disappointment, and I still had blood in my veins.

It was an extremely long shot, but it was better that nothing.

Edward was not going to be with that imposter.

She could look like me, sound like me, wear my clothes and act like me, but no one could ever, be me.

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