Chapter Eleven

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Katherine's POV

When I woke up something felt different. Oh yeah...

TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY! :D I am now seventeen. HOORAY!

I ran downstairs, still in my pajamas, and ran all over the house screaming that it was my birthday over and over.

Until someone opened the door and I ran face first into it. 

"Geez girl we all know that today is the big day!" yelled Emmett, picking me and swinging me around then he went to the window and threw me out.

I screamed, like any normal person, until someone else caught me. Alice. She yelled happy birthday to me and flung me in the air.

Jasper caught me and he yelled happy birthday and it kinda kept going like that again and again except Rose, Carlisle and Esme joined in.

Edward wasn't there. Could it get better?!

Emmett had me now and he set me down, saying it was time for me to eat then open presents.

Yay!!!! I love presents. I ran upstairs and changed my clothes then I went to the kitchen.

I ate pancakes, eggs and bacon. That tasted so good. I put my plate in the dishwasher and walked into the living room, which you could barely see.

There were balloons everywhere. I looked around and ran straight into them.

Laughing, I fell down and kicked them up in the air. Yeah I'm kinda like a three year old on this day.

Someone grabbed my arm and yanked me up. It was Jasper. He put me on his back and ran outside.

Everyone was there. Even Edward. Oh poo. The only way he could entertain me is if he dropped to the ground and died. Bella was there too.

Oh come on! It's my birthday! What's she doing here???

Jasper set me down and I grinned at everybody. Alice and Rose grabbed my arm and dragged me into the forest.

"This present is from us by the way," called Carlisle and Esme.

"Thanks!" I yelled back. A stable came into sight. A stable?

Esme pushed me inside. "Go to stall fourteen," she said.

I looked for it and in it was a jet black horse. I have wanted a horse for soooo long.

I screamed and jumped up and down like an idiot and hugged Carlisle and Esme thanking them over and over again.

"And, you get to name it. It's a him. One of the fastest horses in the world," said Carlisle.

I looked at the horse. "I'll call him.....Thunder."

I patted the horse then Alice and Jasper pulled me away.

"This one's from us," Alice said.

There was a huge box. I looked inside and saw the most amazing thing ever. Bubble wrap! I pulled it out and sat on the floor popping the bubbles.

"Look at what's inside the box Kat!" said Jasper.

Oh right. I peeped in and there was something I've wanted ever since I saw Narnia. A bow and arrow! Alice pulled out a target and ran some distance away and stuck it in.

She came back in two seconds (vampire speed) and told me to shoot. I took aim and fired. The arrown went straight in the middle.

Like a boss.  :D

Then Rose and Emmett walked over with a gift wrapped box. Ooo I love tearing the paper.

"We went in Paris to get this, just saying," said Emmett.

I sat down on the ground and tore it open. Black leather boots and short black fingerless leather gloves.

I have wanted these things forever. I jumped up and hugged them tight.

Then Bella walked over. I don't like the girl but hey, she bought me a present!

I looked in the gift bag she gave me. Omg. A silver necklace with a ballerina pendent. 

"Oh my gosh. Thank you Bella. It's gorgeous," staring at the thing in awe before putting it on.

She mumbled something that sounded like 'your welcome' and went back at Edward's side. Then Edward walked over and handed me a wrapped present.

I said thanks and opened it. My eyes nearly dropped out of my head. It was a book. The original book.

The Lost City of Atlantis.

Edward's POV

Yeah I know what you're thinking. I just gave her any old thing from home. Well number one: I know for a fact that Katherine has wanted it for forever.

And number two: I figured she would like it more than I did.

Kat's eyes looked as though they would fall out.

"Edward----" her voice faltered, "Thank you," she whispered.

Kat walked over and hugged me. She would never do that but I gave her the one thing she wanted more than anything so I just hugged her back.

I touched her. Ugh. I'll have to boil myself now. She didn't like it either. I read her mind when she opened it.

"Omg Omg Omg. Well, I'd better hug him too. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Aggghhhh I'm touching him. I'll have to live in the shower for the rest of my life."

It was pretty funny. Alice jumped up and annouced that it was time for cake.

She bought a cake??? I sighed. I pulled Bella on to my back and everyone ran off back home.

It was chocolate. Plain chocolate. None of that icing or frosting. Thank goodness. I could eat some for politness' sake without spitting it out.

Katherine's POV

Edward Cullen gave me The Lost City of Atlantis. I could die right now. No...I would wait till I finished the book.

And I had to touch him. Eeeeeeew. Well I didn't have to but he gave me a really good gift. I couldn't just mumble thanks. 

We had cake and ice cream. Ben and Jerry's Phish Food. I loved that one but it was really expensive, well for me, so I never had it that often.

And there twenty pints. Two for today and the rest was mine. Turning seventeen is goood.

After a while Bella left and I went up to my bedroom. I stayed till about ten reading the book when it began to rain.

I pulled on a hoodie and jumped out the window and went to my secret place.

I just sat there and let myself get soaked until it stopped raining. It gave me time to think. 

To imagine.

To dream.

I wasn't worried about Victoria finding me. That's the reason it was a secret place. I went back to my room when it stopped raining and had a hot shower, changed my clothes and lay down in my bed.

When it was 12:01 a.m. I would go to sleep. Then my birthday would officially be over.

Unfortunately I fell asleep at midnight. Oh well.

This would have to be the best birthday I've had. Ever. Usually I spent half the day with the pack and the other half with the Cullens.

But then again, it was the first time I spent my entire birthday with the Cullens.

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