Chapter Forty Six

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Katherine's POV

For the past three hours I have been trying on gowns, getting opinions, then trying on another one.

Turns out the store is a lot more bigger than I thought. And there wasn't anything that I liked.

Everything was too puffy, too princess-like. I wanted something simple, but beautiful. Alice read my mind.

"Not really your style, huh?"

I shook my head ruefully. "That's okay, we can go at Rosalie's choice now. And it's getting pretty late. If anything, we can come back tomorrow," she told me, putting a dress back on the rack.

Rose roused Leah, who fell asleep on her lap. Emily was still awake, but she looked tired as well. Rosalie looked at them.

"How about we drop you two off at a hotel and let you rest? We can still go looking, but you guys need some sleep," she suggested.

They nodded gratefully. We got into a cab and went to the nearest, on Alice's insistence, five-star hotel. Leah and Emily tried to decline, but Rose and Alice were having none of that.

Rosalie reserved two suites, one for them and one for us when we got back. We decided to spend the night in New York.

"Okay, so there's this store that my friend owns, a bridal store, and I'm pretty sure you'll find what you want there. Most of the dresses she designed herself. The place isn't far from here," Rosalie said, after we got into a cab.

Alice grumbled under her breath, but Rosalie took no notice.

"Is your friend a vampire?" I asked her.

"Yup, she is."

"Here we are!" she sang out. We came out and entered the building. Rosalie went up to a salesgirl and asked for someone named 'Jessie'.

The girl probably declined because Rose began arguing with her until the salesgirl threw up her hands and walked through a door.

A beautiful, tall redhead walked out of the door, followed by the salesgirl. "Carly, I don't see why you didn't tell this customer I was not availa- Rosalie!" 

The two of them hugged. "Hi Jessie! It's been a while, hasn't it? Look, my friend here is getting married, and she needs a dress, got any suggestions?"

"Ooo a marriage, how exciting! Come dear, let me look at you."

Shyly, I walked over. "Oh, what beautiful eyes! Okay, well you have a slim figure, so let's see what I can do."

She took us into another room, where there weren't any customers. "White, I presume?" Jessie asked, looking over at me.

"Black and white, actually. More white, though. And not too puffy."

Jessie nodded thoughtfully. "Well, come on!" She went through the room until we came to another door.

She kept leading us through doors, making me wonder how big this actual store was. In this room though, the dresses were black and white. Wait a second, she had a room for every colour?!

"Yes, I do. Cool huh?" asked Jessie, examining a dress. I looked at her. How did she know what I was thinking?

"Oh, I can read minds. Do you have any abilities?"

"Yeah, I can control the four elements," I told her.

"Really? Omg, how cool! Okay, try this on." She pushed me in the dressing room with a dress.

Rosalie and Alice parked themselves on the couch and waited until I walked out. 

"Hmm... too much black." said Alice.

"Yeah, I thought so too. Try this one." But none of the dresses seemed to appeal to me.

And so it went, until I got tired of seeing the same dresses over and over. 

"You were always so picky, but somehow, you always found the perfect item for whatever you were looking for," said Alice, giving me a lopsided smile.

"Okay, I just need to look around again. I feel as though it's here, I just need to find it. Give me a minute," I told them, rubbing my temples. I usually don't know what I'm looking for till I see it.

I went through the rack, then went deeper in the room. I walked along, barely sparing a glance at the dresses. Until I saw a little piece of one poking out.

Walking up to it, I ran my hand along the material until I came to the hanger. It was hard to tell which was which. I pulled  it out and looked at it.

It was gorgeous, but I still had to try it on to be sure it was the one I wanted.

I slipped into the dressing room, leaving Alice, Rosalie and Jessie outside chatting about the dresses.

I took it off the hanger and held it up. A small smile came on my face and I slipped it on. It was perfect. I loved it.

Like I said, I don't know what I'm looking for till I see it. I stepped out of the dressing room.

Jessie was the first to see me. "My dear, you look beautiful!" she exclaimed. Alice's and Rosalie's head shot over to me.

They walked over to me, mouths opened. "This is the one," said Rose, after walking all around me. Alice nodded her approval, a big smile on her face.

I checked the price tag and my eyes nearly popped. Two thousand five hundred dollars?!  "Oh don't you worry about that, we're paying for everything," said Alice, whipping out a credit card.

I began to protest, but Rosalie stopped me. "We want to Kat. Please." I sighed in defeat. But hey, I wasn't mad!

"Well, I do get a lot of business here. I'm sure taking off a thousand wouldn't hurt," said Jessie smiling at us.

I thanked her, and went in to take off the dress. Jessie recommended a shoe store for us, and off we went again. Turns out the cab driver is really nice.

He asked me if I got what I was looking for and congratulated me on the engagement.

Rosalie chose a pair of shoes that I loved right away. They were silver heels, and looked gorgeous.

"Okay, so I'll do your nails, Rosalie will do your makeup and we'll both do your hair, kay?"

I nodded. I trusted them more than some hair stylist. "Guys, you will be my bridesmaids, right?"

"Are you kidding? You don't know how long we've been waiting for you to ask!" exclaimed Alice.

"She's right, I was starting to get a little worried," admitted Rose.

"Okay, so you, Alice, Leah, Esme and Emily. I already know what your dresses are going to look like."

"You sketch it out when we get back to the hotel Esme can make them, she's good at that stuff."

We were back at the hotel soon. I told them the dresses were going to be simple, with any shoes they think will match.

It was a simple, strapless white dress, with a black sash around the middle. They liked it a lot, but Rosalie decided they should tie in the front, a little to the side, instead of back.

"You'll see. Trust me," she said.

I ended up going to sleep, with only a few hours left really, I just wanted to sleep because the bed was so big and high, and the room was freezing cold.

It was Rosalie who decided to do everything early, saying how things could really pile up if you leave it last minute.

I left Rosalie and Alice deciding what hairstyle and how to do my nails.

Getting married. So exciting!

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