Chapter Twenty Six

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Katherine's POV

I was sitting with water in a force field around me when Emmett burst into my room.

"Kat, get downstairs quick Carlisle got a letter and is waiting till everyone's there to open it!"

He closed my door and raced out, probably to tell the others, without giving the water thing a second glance.

Oh well, that's Emmett. I put the water back in the bottle using my amazing super cool ability. :P

I got up and went downstairs slowly. Strange, Emmett looked worried instead of excited about the letter.

Anxious more like it. I wonder who it was from. By then I was at the base of the stairs.

I went into the living room. Alice, Carlisle, Esme and Jasper were there. I sat down next to Alice.

Rose and Edward walked in and sat down on the carpet. Then Emmett burst in.

"I couldn't find Rosalie and Edwa--" He stopped when he saw them, then sat down and looked at Carlisle.

He looked worried. Scared even. So did Esme.

"What's going on Carlisle? Who's the letter from?" I asked him.

He looked at me staright in the eye. I couldn't help but feel jealous that he had those golden eyes and I still had my stupid green ones.

Curse you vampire venom.

"It's from the Volturi."

There was a noticeable silence in the room. There was before, when we were waiting for Carlisle to answer but now, you could hear a pin drop.

And the floor was carpet. That's how quiet it was.

We looked around at each other.

"Well, we might as well see what they want," Edward stated.

Carlisle nodded and opened the letter. He read it, his eyes opened, and then he passed it to me.

I was confused why he would pass it to me though. He didn't even let Esme see it.

But when I read it I could see why. Alice leaned over my shoulder and read it too.

Dear Carlisle,

                       We have been informed from a certain person from our Coven that there was a new vampire with you. A vampire who was previously a werewolf. And, as the largest Coven of all vampires, we are paying you a visit to see this, abomination. It shall return with us to Italy where it will be tested, then put to immediate death. See you soon,

                                                                                                               The Volturi.

It. They called me a It. Like I was a potato. But there was more to worry about.

"But they can't do that right? Right?" I said, almost hysterically. Alice passed the letter to Edward, who read it out loud.

"They can Katherine. They are the largest and most powerful Coven of all vampires."

"Well what makes the so powerful huh?? The amount of vampires in their Coven???"I said, this time hysterically.

"No, their abilities. Jane especially," Carlisle told me.

The door burst open and Bella came running in. Ugh. I hadn't seen her so long I was hoping she died.

"Carlisle, I heard the last bits of the letter when I was coming through the door. They're coming to kill me!!!" she shrieked.

Bella ran over to where Edward was standing and began to cry loudly (sounding really fake) into his chest.

I wanted to rip her off and throw her so deep into the ocean, a new trench would be made.

Bella Trench, deepest in the world.

Edward's face was hilarious. He looked disgusted and terrified at the same time. He pushed her off.

"Bella, I broke up with you. We're done, through. I love someone else now,"he said, looking at me.

A small smile came on my face. What I really wanted to do was grin like the Cheshire Cat.

She folded her arms and turned away from him.

"But Carlisle, what's gonna happen to me? They're going to kill me! I have to be protected!" she said, sound like a....I can't even think of something to call her.

"Who's the idiot? Look at it." I grabbed the letter and shoved it in her face.

"Exactly, they're gonna hurt me," she sat down and started to crying.

"Listen you dingbat, were you ever a werewolf?" I asked her.

"No, what are you, stupid?"

It took all that I had not to break her neck.

"Well, it's not you they want. It's ME. I'm the one who was turned into a vampire, now leave. Your face annoys me," I snapped.

 She got up and walked out. All of us followed her to the door. We watched as she walked away from the house to her car, but before getting in, she turned around.

"Don't worry, the pack will protect me from the Volturi!" she yelled.

I took off my shoe and flung it at her. She screamed, even though I aimed for just over her head and wasn't going to hit her, and got in her car and drove off.

"What an idiot," Emmett laughed.

We went back inside.

"Carlisle, the letter didn't say when they were coming," said Alice. I picked it up from the ground and looked at it.

"Hey, turn it around," said Jasper. I turned it over. There was something written at the back.

                                                28th October, 2012. The forest.
"There's your answer."

We talked for a little while longer. Carlisle decided that I wasn't going with them, obviously.

And if they refused, we fight,

It was risky though, because they were bigger, more experienced, more powerful that we were.

I went up to my room when it was over.

And sat down and cried. I was scared. Before we had the pack to help us last time we had to fight. My family.

Now, there was a small chance we could win, but even if we did win, all of us might not be left to rejoice over the victory.

No doubt the person who told them was Victoria. She probably became part of their Coven when Laurent and James got killed.

Okay Kat, calm down. We still have two weeks before the 28th.

We'll survive this.

We will all, survive this.

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