Chapter Thirteen

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Katherine's POV

I got up, did my usual and went downstairs. I ate, then everyone sat down and we played cards.

Which was completely unfair because Alice kept predicting what we would do and she ended up winning every single time.

Carlisle and Esme walked in with worried looks on their faces.

"What's wrong?" asked Rose.

"Victoria. We got a letter through the mail requesting us to come to the forest to have a chat with her," said Carlisle.

"No don't go!" I yelled. It was a trap. Maybe. Possibly. I don't know! I just didn't want them to go.

"Don't worry we'll be very careful. We should at least go see what she wants," said Esme.

I sighed. I didn't push it. "Ok. So when do you have to go?"


In a blink they were gone. I sat down and fussed with my cards.

"Kat don't worry. They'll be fine. They are vampires you know," said Emmett, grinning.

I made myself happy and we kept playing. An hour later they were back.

Carlisle and Esme sat down and told us what they wanted. Edward and Bella were over here too. Unfortunately.

Apparently, Victoria wanted us to leave. Leave Forks, the house, everything. If not, a fight would take place. In the forest. At midnight.

"But why does she want us gone?" asked Jasper.

"She hates us for killing James and she claimed she doesn't want to kill us so we have a choice, die or leave. I think she knows that she can't kill us. Not on her own anyway," said Esme.

"Well we fight. We can't leave. Well, we could but I don't want to," said Emmett.

"But here's the thing. Victoria has the scent of blood all over her. There was a boy with her too. She turned humans into vampires, I believe, and practically built an army to take us down," said Carlisle.

"So even if we moved, she would track us down and kill us anyway," said Alice quietly.

"We don't know how much vampires she has. No doubt she made more than us," said Esme.

"Yeah, but they would be newborns. They would be bloodthirsty and barely know how to fight wouldn't they?" asked Edward.

"That's probably why the fight is tonight. They are newborns, wild and crazy. Ready to fight."

"But we don't have enough people to take them down. If we do it on our own, there's a chance one of us might not be here afterwards," said Rose.

There was silence. No one spoke.

"Maybe, just maybe, I could get the pack to come?" I said. I wasn't sure but to hell with that.

"You think so?" asked Esme. looking relieved.

"Yeah, they could came back and then go back to The Bahamas afterwards," I said.

"I'll go ask now."

I put in a long distance call to Sam. He had given me their hotel number, just in case.

When he answered, I told him everything and after about fifteen minutes of pleading he said they could. Thank goodness.

"The pack could come," I announced.

"We could all go then," said Edward.

"No Edward! You can't go. I might lose you," said Bella.

"Bella I have to. It's my family."

"Well, can I come watch?" she asked.

What is she retarded?!?!?! She wants to come watch?. They're vampires. They could pick up a scent even if she were a mile away.

"Bella, no. It's too dangerous. They could smell you and you might get hurt," said Edward.

"Jacob, he showed me a way to disguise my scent. You get a certain scented herb and rub it all over you. You smell just like the forest then," said Bella.

Edward looked at Carlisle. Carlisle sighed and nodded. "Okay you can come."

"But, you have to stay high up in a tree where they can't see you and under NO circumstances are you to come out unless we call you, understand?" said Edward.

Bella nodded happily. What is wrong with her??? It's a fight, not a football game. Anyway, the pack would be here at ten.

It was the earliest flight they could get. 

We went outside and trained until it was eleven. I was starting to get worried. The pack wasn't here yet.

Bella was in the tree since ten. It was half eleven now. Where was Sam?!?! He promised.

"Katherine? Where is the pack?" asked Jasper.

"I--I don't know," I said looking through the window, just hoping to see the car.

"Well we have to go now. It's quarter to eleven," said Carlisle.

"But there's a huge possibility we might be outnumbered!" I yelled.

"We'll have to take that chance."

"I'm sorry everyone. They didn't come. I'm so sorry," I said. looking down.

"Oh Kat, it's not your fault." said Esme hugging me.

"Let's go." We ran into the woods. Alice managed to get Bella to keep a simple dress up in the tree for me so after the fight I wouldn't be stark naked.

We arrived at the place in the forest. Victoria and the boy, Riley, was there already.

"Hmm...just you? This should be easy," said Victoria smirking.

As if on cue, a bunch of vampires were behind her. A whole lot more than we bargained for.

Guess, this is it. Please let us all be here after, I sliently prayed.

Suddenly I heard a growl behind me. The entire Cullen Coven turned around.

Sam and the pack was there. Tall and strong and looking at Victoria with such hatred I wanted to drop to my knees.

Jacob's wolf came up and nudged my hand. I looked at him.

"Good luck," he said in his mind. I mouthed "you too" back at him. I phased and both sides began running towards each other.

The battle had begun.

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