Chapter Ten

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That's Katherine's bathing suit on the other side.


Katherine's POV

I woke up feeling really tired. Oh right, I'll just blame Alice and Rose for that.

Those two kept me up all night and since they can't sleep they totally forgot about me and planned out our whole vacation.

I fell asleep in the middle of it so who knows what's gonna happen today.

I made myself look and smell presentable then went downstairs. Rosalie and Alice stood at the counter arguing about something.

From what I heard, they were arguing using whole wheat bread or white bread. Esme and Carlisle was out hunting so they had to make breakfast for me apparently. "Hey guys," I said, interrupting them.

"Kat which one do you prefer, wheat bread or white bread?" Alice asked with her hands on her hips.

"I told you it was wheat bread!" Rosalie said.

"Actually I like both of them," I said nervously. That was a lie though. I actually prefered whole wheat but I would eat the white. It tastes good too.

They stood there looking confused.

"You know, I could make breakfast for myself," I said, trying to squeeze past them to the counter.

Alice gave me a push back to where I was before.

"No, no, no. This is the first time we get to use the kitchen so we're making it. Sit down!"

I obediently sat down on the couch.

After watching them discover how to crack and egg, it was pretty funny, I turned on the TV.

Ooooo Lizzie Mcguire. Haven't seen that for a while. Good old Disney shows instead of those stupid shows like Shake It Up.

That show has terrible actors if you ask me.

Suddenly Rose and Alice and plunked a egg sandwich in front of me, looking rather proud of themselves.

I stifled a giggle at their faces.

"Thanks," I said gratefully and took a bite. It tasted really good though.

Then I looked at it and realized that one side was white bread and the other side whole wheat.

I laughed and continued eating. I was actually sad when it was done.

"So, now that you're done eating the most delicious sandwich ever made, we're going to the beach!" Alice said jumping up.

"Really?" I asked.

"Duh. Weren't you listening last night?" said Rose.

"I kinda fell asleep," I admitted.


"So go get your stuff. We're leaving in half and hour," said Alice.

I washed my plate and went upstairs to pack my bag.

"Kat? Can you come for a second?" called Rose.

" Sure," I said and set down my bag and went to her room.

"What do I need?"

I laughed.

"Shut up! I never went before, how would I know?"

I kept laughing but told her.

"A towel, a change of clothes, deoderant and whatever else you use and sunscreen," I listed.

She put her hands on her hips and stared at me.

"Oh sorry. Forget the sunscreen," I murmured.

Rosalie laughed then pushed me out her room.

Shaking my head, I went back to my room and packed the rest of the stuff I would need.

I changed into my swim suit and pulled a purple tank top and shorts over it. I put my hair in a plait so it would stay out of the way.

When I went downstairs Emmett, Jasper, Edward and Bella were there.

Ew. Edward alone coming was bad enough but the idiot brought Thing Number One to join us.

Rose and Alice came down a second later.

"We're going to the beach! Hooray!" yelled Emmett, dancing around with a bouquet of red roses.

Oh my gosh, what did he drink???

"Excuse my husband, he seems to have taken the mind of a two year old," said Rose, shaking her head at him.

Emmett walked over, gave her the roses and kissed her on the cheek.

Rosalie smiled and thanked him.

His face suddenly looked as though he was a little boy seeing Santa Claus.

We laughed walked outside to Edward's car.

Yay! I hated Edward but he drove so fast that your hair literally made one long line behind you.

He started driving really fast, as usual. I wet my hand with a bottle of water I brought just for this and stuck it out the window.

Oooooo that felt good. So cold and nice. :D

"Edward slow down!" Bella whined.

"Calm down Bella you're not gonna die," said Emmett, with a kinda pissed look on his face. We all loved it when Edward drove fast. He drove even faster than me.

Still, Edward slowed down. Uuuuuggghhhhhhh.

"Thank you," said Bella.

He just nodded with a small smile on his face but his eyes had a pissed look in them. Guess he likes it when he drives fast too.

Soon we were at the beach. It was overcast and it was completely empty. Not a single person was there.

We came out and walked over to the sand.

Bella and I spread our towels on the sand and sat on it. Everyone took one glance and followed us.

Oh right, they never came to the beach before. Ha, it was funny how they didn't know what to do.

"Yeah so you just take off your clothes and go into the water wearing your bathing suit when you're ready," I said, awkwardly.

It was weird telling someone what you do when you're at the beach.

"We were supposed to bring a bathing suit?!?!" yelled Emmett, looking really surprised.

Rose pulled something out of her bag and flung it at him.

"I knew you'd forget so I brought an extra one for you," she told him.

"Oh thanks," said Emmett, looking relieved. He went in the changing room and put it on while we just stood outside waiting for him.

When he came out we went in the water. Although Alice needed a little push from Jasper.

We splashed each other and spent about four hours there before leaving.

It was a lot of fun. Even though Edward and Bella was there.

Vampires went to the beach. Huh. Weird but that was the Cullens for ya.

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