Chapter Thirty

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Katherine's POV

Well. This is it. Tomorrow is the day we fight the Volturi. We have to be brave. Strong. Fast.

And I'm scared as hell.

The two weeks passed by really quickly. We learned a lot from Jasper. Except for Bella.

Apparently, vampire venom can cure diseases, but it does nothing for clumsiness. She sucked at everything.

So, Jasper made her run. All over the place. At vampire speed. Because, she can't fight so if a vampire tries to hurt her, she runs.

Bella had gotten faster. But not as fast as the blasted Edward. The Edward I loved.

We spent as much time as we could together. We didn't know if we would be here to enjoy it later.

I changed my clothes and went downstairs. The only good thing about all of this, is that I don't have to go to school.

For now, anyway. Carlisle said we were going camping or something like that. Thank God we live in the middle of nowhere.

Alice was sitting on the couch. I plunked myself next to her. "Hey."

She didn't respond. These days, it's been getting really quiet. Like everyone's scared.

Which we are, but we didn't try to hide it anymore.


I sighed. Everything, with everyone, was awkward now. Well, except for me and Edward. But even Emmett didn't say much.

And it was Emmett.

"What's gonna happen to us?" I wondered, accidentally out loud.

Alice stared at me with her eyes wide, as though she saw a ghost or something, but her face was calm.

"I don't know Kat. I don't know." I put my head on her shoulder.

And started to cry. Alice comforted me silently. Something only Alice can do.

This was all because of me. Everyone I loved were risking their lives because of me. Maybe I should just go with the Volturi.

How bad could they be? 

Just then, the door opened and Edward walked in.

"Don't even think about it." I managed to smile at him through my tears.

He leaned over and kissed my neck then went upstairs. I turned my head back into Alice's shoulder.

She twirled my hair between her fingers. Suddenly she stopped. Her entire body stopped moving.

I sat up and looked at her. Alice's eyes had a far away look in them. She was seeing something.

After, probably half a second, she snapped back. She turned to me with a big smile on her face.

What was she grinning about? Did the Volturi magicall die or something? Alice got up and pranced all over the place, exclaiming happily.

"Kat! It's gonna be okay! I saw something!! We're gonna liiiiiiive!!!"

Then she ran off, probably to tell the others. In a second, the entire living room was filled with the Cullens and Bella.

"What happened? What did you see?" asked Edward, cluthing his sister's arm.

"I saw us. All of us. At a party. Having fun. There were people talking. Well, us talking. The Volturi died! We won!!" she exclamied, getting excited all over again.

Relief washed over everyone's faces. Including mine. "Oh thank goodness!!! You don't know how hard it's been being so depressed and emo all the time, geez!" yelled Emmett.

Edward swung me around and kissed me deeply.


And Alice, being Alice, threw a huge party. She invited everyone from school. Even people we didn't know who were there.

At the end of the night, the house was a mess. If it wasn't for us being able to move so fast, we would have been exhausted from cleaning.

"Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone!" I called.

"You're going to sleep?" asked Rose, an undescribable expression on her face.

I laughed. "Yeah, turns out I can sleep." She and the others waved me goodbye.

Edward kissed me then I went upstairs to my room. I hadn't slept for a pretty long time.

Now I can actually sleep, without worrying about tomorrow. I took a shower, pulled on a huge t-shirt I borrowed from Emmett and crawled in my bed.

I grabbed the air condition remote and put it on the lowest temperature. I wanted to freeze tonight.

My eyes closed and right before I fell into a deep sleep, my eyes hsot open again.

Oh no. I couldn't sleep anymore. Well I could. But I might have nightmares the entire night. I grabbed a book and started to read.

Reading calms me down. Soon, I was lost in the world of magic with Septimus Heap.

(A/N Septimus Heap is a series. I don't know if you know the books, but I love them so I had to include it :P)

I went to sleep, tossing the book on the ground. But I still couldn't get it out of my mind.

Didn't Alice say that the future was always changing?

That she could only see what might happen?

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