Chapter Forty Three

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Katherine's POV

I was scrunching up my toes in my sneakers. Oh boy. Why did I have to stop?

Most people, when they hear footsteps behind them, run even faster, but no, I had to be an idiot and look to see who it was.


Her voice was cold, dead. Bella stared at me, her eyes glowing red. Guess she wasn't sticking to animal blood.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed when I heard my voice shaking. Ok, yes, I was scared. Bella might not know how to fight, but she was stronger than me, considering she took human blood.

Her eyes seemed to dim when she heard my voice, as though she was sad I was afraid of her. Gee, most people would be happy.

"I- I just wanted to thank you." She held up the note I had written. 

I calmed down a little. "What?"

"I guess I've been pretty stupid in the past months. Thank you, for letting me live. And, I'm sorry for causing you and Edward all that trouble."

She sounded really sincere, and her eyes actually held some emotion. But I could hear the regret in Bella's voice.

I didn't blame her. It must be hard, losing someone you love. "Yeah well, it's okay. And... you're welcome."

"Well, I'll let you go then." She bowed her head, staring at the ground.

I turned to go, might as well escape in case she suddenly turns bipolar. 

"Oh and," I turned back to her, to see what she had to say," Congratulations," Bella said, nodding to the ring.

I nodded. "Thanks." But I didn't go right then. "Bella, I know this might be sort of difficult for you, but, do you want to come? To the wedding?"

She looked at me. "Really? You trust me?"

"Well, not totally but, yeah, I guess so."

Bella nodded slowly. "Yes, I would like that."

I nodded my head at her. "Okay--good. Guess I'll see you around then." I took off, not waiting for her answer.

I made sure to run through a lot of bushes and vines, trying to get the forest smell to rub off on me.

The pack's house soon came into view. I stopped halfway there, and walked the rest of the way.

I walked up the stairs and onto the porch. I didn't know if to knock or just walk right in, but while I stood there debating, the door opened.

"KAT! You're here!" Leah screamed, and hugged me.

"How did you know I was outside?" I asked, my face smushed into her shoulder.

"I could smell you from my room."

I cringed. Leah's room was all the way upstairs. "And man, you reek. Anyway, don't bother about that, soon you'll be smelling like us again!"

She smelled pretty bad too. How did the Cullens go through all of this? Leah dragged me inside the house, which hadn't changed at all.

The whole pack suddenly appeared in the livng room, each of them hugging me and telling me how much they missed me, stuff like that.

"Katherine Dobrev, you have been keeping something from us. What is that on your finger, my dear?" asked Emily, with a knowing smile on her face.

Everyone stared at me. They knew what was coming, they just needed to hear me say it.

I looked around, purposely keeping my eyes away from Sam. "Well... Edward and I... are... engaged!" I exclaimed.

Even though they might think it was a bad thing, or might not approve of it, I still couldn't control my excitement of that fact.

Leah and Emily screamed and grabbed me, in a group hug. A group hug between the three of us. I pulled away and looked around at the others.

"Well, Kat, that's awesome, congratulations! Food all the time!" yelled Seth, hugging me.

Jake came spun me around, and so did Quil and Embry and the others. That just left one person.

"Well Kat, you know I don't like him at all, but if you're happy, that's something I won't interfere with. Congratulations," he said, a small smile on his face.

I nodded. "Thanks Sam. It really means a lot." 

"So, you're spending the night, right?" asked Leah.

Grinning, I held up my bag. "Yay!" She clapped her hands. "Wait, a girls' night with only three girls?"

"Two, actually. Sam is taking me out." spoke up Emily. "I'm sorry dear, but congrats and I have to go get ready now."

Emily left. "Two girls?! That's pathetic." said Leah, pouting.

"Well, I do know some other girls..." I said.

Leah's head snapped up to meet my eyes. "No, absolutely not."

"Come on! Alice loves stuff like this. And Rose is an expert at nail art," I begged.

Leah might be a tomboy, but she loved nail polish. Weird fact for a tomboy, but she wasn't ashamed of it.

She glanced down at her chipping black nail polish and then sighed. "Fiiiine," she groaned out.

"Yay!" I asked Leah to call them, which she did grudgingly, then I went off to find Seth.

"Hey Seth, Emmett said to give this to you. Said it was top secret and very important," I called, holding out the note.

Seth grabbed it, opened it, then let out a load shout of joy. "Well, what is it?" I asked curiously.

"The recipe for his grilled cheese sandwiches!" Seth went running off to the kitchen, probably to try it out.

I was confused. Bread, cheese, bread, grilled. Was it that hard? But then again, Emmett probably adds some special ingredient that makes it taste so good.

I left it, and went back to Leah, who said they'll be here soon.

Two hours later, we were all in the kitchen sampling Seth's sandwiches. They tasted pretty good, a lot like Emmett's.

But I guess only Emmett could make it like Emmett. Alice and Rosalie still weren't here. What was taking them so long? They were vampires for crying out loud!

Suddenly, I could smell them. I put down my sandwich and walked outside, taking Leah with me.

"What took you so long?!" I asked, but I could kind of see why.

"Well, Alice here couldn't decide whether to bring her entire room or her entire closet!" said Rose, glaring at Alice.

"Please, it's not that much. Just enough to dress us all up!" said Alice, waving her off as she set down a massive suitcase while Rose had a simple bag that looked as though it was bulging with nail polish bottles.

"Oh, hi! Leah right?" asked Alice, extending her hand. Leah nodded and shook it. Rosalie did the same.

Let's say Leah looked a little more at home with them as she and Rosalie talked on and on about the best way to get bubbles out of nail polish while we went upstairs.

We decided to take the guest bedroom, as it was the largest, and got to work.

Turns out Alice can fit a lot more clothes into a place that can only hold a certain amount. And the suitcase was huge already, so you can imagine that there was enough to clothe the whole of Russia.

Rosalie went to get a glass of water, apparently it helps with the nail polish, and Alice went to get some CD's from downstairs.

I turned to Leah. "So?"

She sighed, but smiled. "Yes, okay. I like them."

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