Chapter Twenty Two

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Ok. The pic across there is the colour of Katherine's eyes. But the girl is who I wanted for Katherine in the first place, I could just never find a good pic that would fit the original description of Kat so I went with Nina. So I just thought I'd show it to you :) That's the colour of her eyes though.

Kay, explaination done now READ, COMMENT, VOTE AND FAN. :) If you did it already, you're awesome.


Katherine's POV

I remember blacking out. Then waking up what felt like two minutes later and feeling pain shooting through every part of my body.

This wasn't supposed to be happening. Yeah, you felt pain but not this much. I asked Jasper about it some time before.

I even asked him to make me feel what the pain felt like. And it didn't hurt as much as this.

But I couldn't open my eyes. Like you were standing in front of a black curtain, but you couldn't push past.

It was dark. Pitch black. And pain everywhere. Suddenly, there was sharp sting in my leg.

No, not sharp. Extremely painful that made me want to die rather than live through this. It came again, in my other leg.

I felt my body jerking as the pains came. They came faster, peppered all over my two legs. Then it came in my head.

I remembered that I could make noise. So I screamed. Louder than a woman giving birth.

The pain started to increase. It was in my head, my legs, my arms. Every sting that came, it was like someone tore away a part of me.

My body jerked over and over, but I still couldn't open my eyes. It was as though they were too heavy to lift.

I let out another scream. And another. Without stopping. Then it came in my heart.

As though bullets were going through my heart, all over. I howled, screamed, kicked.

Then it stopped. Aaaahhh. That felt good. But no. My body hated me.

Instead of the stings only coming in certain parts of my body at a time, all the stings seemed to come together and everywhere, was like someone was pouring hot lava over me.

Edward's POV

"Whay is she screaming and jerking like that? That's not supposed to happen!" I yelled.

By then everyone was in the medical room.

"It's the venom. It's killing out her werewolf genes. She's going to feel a whole lot more pain that the usual pain vampires go through," said Carlisle quietly.

There was silence from Katherine all of a sudden. Then screams. Howls. She thrashed around.

My heart squeezed. I didn't want to see her in this pain. It was like she was having a bad dream.

A nightmare.

After the change, Kat would no longer be a werewolf. She would be a vampire.

Kathrine would not like that at all. She loved being a wolf. Because she was a different wolf. Jet black wolves were rare, and she loved to be different.

I grasped her hand and held it tight. Maybe, just maybe, she might feel it and be comforted.

My entire family knew that I loved her. I told them when they came.

And they knew I couldn't bear to lose her.

Katherine's POV

After what felt like years, it stopped. And I still couldn't open my eyes. But it wasn't black anymore.

It was sort of blurry and moving all over. It looked greenish and blueish. I wasn't being held down. Just...there.

I felt myself being pushed up. Oooohhhh. I was in water. I couldn't touch the bottom.

That scared me. For some reason, I didn't have to breathe. I pushed up and up.

The surface I could now clearly see. Sunlight shone through. It was an inch away from the top of my head.

But I couldn't reach it. I pushed harder and harder. And made it. But there was no need to suck in air.

I looked around. Everyone was there. The Cullens, the pack. They were all friends.

Emmett and Jacob dunking each other. Leah, Rose and Alice trying to see who could hold their breath the longest. 

Edward was there too. Talking to Sam. Laughing. I went back under the water again.

But somehow, I ended up deep enough not to see the surface anymore. I pushed again and again.

Harder. Stronger. Faster. There it was. An inch away from my reach. But no matter how hard I pushed, I couldn't reach it.

Like last time. I pushed and pushed, not feeling tired at all. There! I made it. But instead of seeing all my friends again, something else happened.

I woke up.

I sat up, gasping. My eyes were still closed. Not that I couldn't open them. I could. I just didn't want to. I was scared.

There was something soft underneath me. Like a bed. It was a bed. It had the same feel.

"Katherine?" I heard a voice ask. It was Edward's.

"Love open your eyes. Look at me. At us. Don't be scared." His voice reassured me.

So I opened my eyes. My vision wasn't blurry or anything. In fact, everything was clearer than ever.

I saw everyone in Carlisle's medical room. Suddenly, someone hugged me.

It was Edward. But his arms wasn't cold. Neither was his body. It felt normal. Not warm, not cold. Just normal.

He pulled back. I looked at him. He gasped. "What?"

"Kat, your eyes," he said. I sat straight up and looked at everyone. More gasps came.

"What?" I asked again. I got off the bed and walked over to a small wall mirror. What was the big deal?

My eyes were green as normal.They looked a little mixed with blue and black, but mostly green all the same.

Then something snapped back into my memory, which was terrible by the way. I turned into a vampire.

I was actually a newborn. Newborns have red eyes.

I had green eyes.

After the change, they should be red.

But they were green.


That's not supposed to happen.

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