Chapter Twenty Four

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Katherine's POV

After we were in the woods, Edward took me to my room. I sat there on my bed.

What happened? I loved Edward. I knew that. But now I'm a vampire??? Not a werewolf anymore.

I'm gonna miss the pack.....OMG THE PACK!!!! Sam would be furious. Ready-to-kill furious. He hated vampires more than anything.

He usually just put up with the Cullens, but I could hear every single thought about them. And it wasn't just the Cullens he didn't like.

It was anyone to do with the vampire world. Okay, calm down. I still have two months.

I glanced at the calender on my wall. Holy crap. Did time pass that fast?!?!?!

The pack was coming back in two days!!! I don't wanna see them. Jake might be okay about the vampire thing. Might.

So might Seth. Leah might freak out a little bit, but she might be fine too. Sam would want to fling me out the window.

I'm scared. There was a knock on my door. AARRGGGHHHH! Did they came back early??

No time to hide. The door was already opening. Oh thank goodness, it was Emmett.

"Hey." I tried to sound as calm as possible.

And epicly failing.

"You ok, Kat?" he asked, looking kind of worried.


I explained everything to him.

"Well, you still have two days. Don't worry about that yet. Besides, you have us," he said smiling at me.

Emmett pulled me into a hug. Geez, I love his hugs. He's so big, it's like it's gonna kill you and then it's just relaxing.

We talked for a while, then he left. So...what do I do now. I walked over to Alice's room.

She opened the door. "I knew you'd be coming," she said, wryly to me.

"Shut up."

Alice pulled me in. "So what's up?"

"Um....what do vampires do...since you can't...ya know...sleep?"

She shook her head slowly at me, making me feel like an idiot. Not that I don't always feel like that.

"You do what you do in the day. Now go outside, I'm wrapping Christmas presents," she said, shooing me out the door.

"Christmas is still a long time away!"


Weird girl. I went back in my room and stared into space until morning. When I went downstairs, only Carlisle and Esme were there.

Oh no. It looked as though they wanted to have 'The Talk' with me. 

After ten minutes and thirteen seconds, they were done. It wasn't the talk though. Just basic vampire stuff.

Don't close your locker door too hard, stuff like that. They went upstairs after that.

I sat on the floor and turned on the TV. Ew. Shake It Up was on. I hated this show. So I watched it.

I make fun of them in my mind. The doorbell rang. I took off that horrible show and got up to answer it.

Opening the door, Jacob stood there. AAAAAGGGHHHHH. I closed my eyes. I could turn invisible. Hopefully.

Well, what better time to find out?

"Ha, missed me so much, thought I was a dream. We came back early. Come here!" He hugged me so tight, I wanted to crack.

Oh my gosh. Jake was so warm. "Geez Kat, you reek," he said, pulling away and screwing up his nose.

"Odd... the smell is coming from you, not off of you," he said.

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand. "Kat, why is your hand so cold?" He was on the verge of freaking out.

"Yeah well...." I began. I didn't finish.

"YOU'RE A VAMPIRE?!?!?!?!"

Oh crap, that was loud. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Hi Ka--" Rose didn't finish either.

"Woah, Kat what is going on? No, this isn't right. It's some sort of prank right? Kat please tell me you just stuck your hand in the freezer and that's why it's cold." Jake looked like a little boy finding out Santa Claus wasn't real.

"God said to tell the truth," I said quietly, peeping up at him.

"No, no, NO!!!" Oh no. Jake phased. And ran off. Most likely to the pack's house.

Most likely to Sam.

Most likely he'll be here standing in front of me in five minutes.

"Kat? Are you ok?" Rose asked, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"No, I'm not." I began sobbing. I didn't know why. Actually, I did. I was scared. Of losing the pack.

Of losing my friends. Of losing the people who were my family since what happened to my parents.

I cried into Rose's shoulder. There was a gust of wind. I smelt a horrible wet dog scent.

Sam was here.

"You're a vampire Katherine!!!!!! What is wrong with you?!?!" he roared.

I looked at him. Sam didn't stop. He was really scary when he was mad. He marched up to me as though he was going to punch me.

Which he was, since I could see his hand was raised in a fist. 

"Leave her alone!" Rose stood in front of me.

"Oh so this is your new family huh? This is what you replace us with. Leave a werewolf for two months, come back and she's a vampire with a whole new family," he said.

"Sam, just give me a chance to tell you what happened," I tried to say.

"No Kat. I don't think I want to know. It's a good thing you have the Cullens, or else now, you'd be homeless," he said, venom dripping in his words.


"You don't belong in this pack anymore. In fact, you were never like us. You were always like them."

He phased and ran off. There he went. My family.

They were gone. Sure I preferred wolf over vampire. But I liked vampires too.

In my mind, I wasn't a monster unless I chose to be.

But in the pack's mind, I was. I sat down on the front steps crying.

Rose gave me her shoulder, soothing me. It's good to have a shoulder to cry on.

I needed it. I sat down on the porch steps, bawling my eyes out into Rosalie's top.

Until sunset.

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