Chapter Forty Nine

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Katherine's POV

-One week later----again-

For the past week, Edward and I helped Rosalie get an idea of decoration for the reception. We decided not to go with the whole black and white theme there, and mixed some purple with it.

It looked amazing. Well, sounded amazing. Esme and I now sat in the kitchen, going over the menu.

I already arranged a seating arrangement. All the Cullens would be up at the table with me. The pack would get three tables in the front, and the rest of vampires would sit with their covens. The names of their coven would be on the table. It was late, about nine o' clock.

"So, for the vampires, rare steak. And for the pack is steak, cooked steak. Right?" Esme verified.


"And there will be Emmett's wine for the vampires, and normal wine for the pack. Three bottles per table. Right?"


"And after we eat and cut the cake and everything, we push back the tables and the dancing starts, right?"


"Then we fly up to the moon and pretend we're carrots. Right?"

"Ri- wait, what?"

Esme laughed. "Just checking to see if you were paying attention. Okay, so you go see Jasper, he's putting together the programme."

I nodded, plucking an apple out of the fruit basket. "See ya later."

I walked up to his room. The door was ajar, and he sat typing on the computer. I went quietly as close to the door as I could, then shoved it open and yelled, "Boo!"

He didn't even flinch.

"Come on dude, I was perfecly quiet this time!" I whined.

"I could smell you," Jasper replied, flashing a sideways grin to me.

I groaned. "Okay, so let's see that programme."

"Okay, first you're gonna do all the toasts, first two by Sam and Carlisle, then a dance item."

I nodded. "Go on."

"Then the other toasts by Alice, Leah and Emmett. Then another dance item."

"In that order?" I questioned.

"Well, it's actually Leah, then Emmett and Alice," Jasper said, reading over the list.

"Okay, keep going."

"Edward speaks, then we serve dinner, First Dance, cut the cake, then everyone can do what they want," said Jasper.

"Put cutting the cake before the First Dance," I directed.

Jasper typed something on his computer. "Done. Now come look at the design."

I finished off my apple, and ran my eyes over the design. "That looks pretty good. Thanks Jass," I said, walking out the door.

I walked over to Edward's room and tapped gently on the door. He opened it. "Kat, come here," he greeted me, pulling me into his arms.

"I feel as though I haven't seen you in so long," he murmured into my hair.

I laughed. "Strangely, I feel the same way."

Edward pulled away and led me over to the couch. He sat down, pulled me on his lap, and began kissing my neck. "The wedding plans are good?"

"Hmm? Oh, sure...mmmm," I said, distracted by his lips on my neck.

He sucked hard, and I felt his fangs come out. Gently, he bit into my neck. I wasn't scared, I trusted him. I gasped at first, but the pain eased after a while. He drank some of my blood, before pulling away and licking the pierced skin to heal it.

"Sorry, I just wanted to taste it," he said, a drop of blood on his lip. 

"That's okay," I said, wiping it away. He pressed his mouth to mine, and began kissing me passionately, hungrily, as though he was yearning for this for years.

I returned it, feeling the same way he did. Edward lifted me up and rearranged me on his lap, so my legs were on either side of his torso. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he left my lips and went down to my neck again. I tilted back my head and let out a moan. He kissed up and down my neck, sucking at random places, before returning to my lips. He gently slid his tongue in my mouth and explored. Edward lifted me up and lay me down on the couch, supporting his weight on his hands so he would not crush me. I don't know how long we kissed, but it ended all too soon.

Edward somehow managed to flip us over, so he was at the bottom and I was on top, and pulled me down to his chest, stroking my hair. "I love you, sweetheart," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too."

I fell asleep like that, and when I woke up I was in my bed, with Edward laying next to me, looking at my head intently.

"There wasn't enough room on the couch, so I brought you here. Now go to sleep, that dream was interesting," he said.

"You know I can't actually continue a dream right?" I mumbled, already drifting asleep again.

"You can try," he whispered. I shook my head and rolled over, back in Dreamland.

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