Chapter Seventeen

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The video is what Kat played and sang on the piano. You all know what Edward played. If not, just type it in on youtube. The pic is the piano.


Katherine's POV

The minute I woke up this morning I knew something was going to go wrong. And it wasn't because I fell out of my bed.

I dressed and went downstairs. Seemed like they were waiting for me because everyone was gathered at the bottom of the staircase.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Kat, well, we're going hunting for a while but Edward is the only one gonna be home," said Rose, looking...I don't know...carefully.

What?!?!?! Again! Geez,why why why?!?!?! Edward had a pissed off look on his face too.

"Why isn't Edward going?" I wanted to scream but managed to say.

"Two reasons, one, he had a, bit of an... overdose, last time he went hunting and two, we don't want you starving to death," said Emmett grinning at me.

I screwed up my face at him.

"Well, we're gonna go now, have fun!" said Esme and poof, they were gone.

Edward and I sat down on the couch and didn't say a word. 

I didn't want to talk to him. But I was bored. Hmm....I'll explore. 

This house is huge and I still haven't seen the full thing. I know that because sometimes I get lost.

I got up, walked upstairs and walked down some random hallway. I didn't say anything to Edward. Soon, I really was lost.

Usually I find my way back, but this time everywhere looked different. I went into every room I saw.

So far, it has eight guest bedrooms, three medical rooms, ten entertainment rooms, a theatre and who knows what else.

I opened a door to another random room. The entire place was dark. I looked for a light switch but I couldn't find it.

Or I was just too lazy too look properly. There was a single window with light shining on some gigantic object.

I walked over to it. Ooooo it was a piano. In really good condition. Not even speck of dust. Jet black and really shiny.

I sat down on the bench thing and lifted the cover. The keys were so white, they seemed to shine.

When I was younger and lived with my parents, I took piano classes. I hated them because the teacher was mean, but I loved the piano. And he was a good teacher actually.

We had to write a song for something in that class when the teacher got mad.

I did the song but never got a chance to play it. I remembered all the notes though.

I placed my fingers on the keys and began to play. There was a song too. 

Edward's POV

I was sitting on the couch for a while, wondering where Kat had gone or if she got lost.

I finally finished the piece of music. It came to me sometime last night.

Suddenly, I heard this really nice music. It was calming, soothing. Played on the piano. Someone was singing too.

It sounded so good that I actually got up to find where it was coming from.

It didn't take long. I found the room and looked past the door.

It was Katherine. I didn't know she played the piano.

I just stood there and didn't say a word. I just listened to the music. I wonder who taught her.

The music finished. I read her mind, just out of curiosity.

Hmm...this piano is in really good shape. I wonder whose own is it...

Apparently she saw my name written in gold on it because I heard:

Oh crap. I never saw this piano in my life. I never came in this room. I fell, blacked out and when I woke up, I was here. Yup. Very believeable.

I stepped inside the room. 

"It's ok," I said.

"Really?" she asked, looking surprised.

"Yes," I replied looking at her.

Katherine seemed to relax. I don't know why I was doing it. I honestly didn't.

But I sat down next to her. And began to play the song I wrote.

(A/N This one is Bella's lullaby, just it's not for Bella!)

In the middle of the song, she put her head on my shoulder. And I didn't push her away. It felt.....right.

I wonder what she's thinking, I thought as the song came to an end.

Hmm that was really good. I wish he'd play it again.

I chuckled and started over.

Weird, it's almost like he read my min--Edward.

I chuckled again and kept playing. After the second time, she fell asleep. I picked her up and took her to her room.

What? I couldn't leave her sleeping on the bench.

She lay sleeping in her bed. I sat down on the bed and watched her. It fascinated me, people sleeping.

What goes through their minds when they're sleeping? Is it just blank or something?

I didn't know, so I read her mind.

Weird. A lot of pictures coming up. Like videos, but they made absolutely no sense. Does everyone do this when they're sleeping????

Ooooohhhh this is probably what they call dreams. They look like fun. I don't remember having them when I was human.

Kat's dreams were interesting. They made no sense and yet, somehow they were believeable.

I lay down on her bed, looking at her dreams. She talks in them too, but in her mind. Suddenly, Kat rolled over, and put her head on my chest.

What the hell?? People move in their sleep?? Bella never did.

She was talking in her mind.

Something feels cold. So cold and nice. Aaaahhhh. Whatever this is, it's better than air-conditioning.

What was she talking about? Oh right, me. Was I really that cold?

For the whole night, I just lay there with her on my chest, looking at her dreams.

It was like watching a video with nothing that could ever be real but seemed so believeable, and that was the best part.

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