Chapter Forty

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Okay, I'm only putting up a pic of her hair because, it's kinda the only thing that matters. You have a description of the outfit and nails. I can't find a pic of the makeup so, use your imagination people!



Katherine's POV

Rolling over in my bed, I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. It felt good knowing nothing would trouble me today.

Or should trouble me.

I got up, and took a long shower before going downstairs. There was a slight breeze beside me and there Edward stood.

"Good morning sweetheart," he said, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing me.

I kissed him back before replying. "Hungry?" he asked. 

"Not really, no" I responded.

"Okay, go get ready."

"For what?" I asked, confused. Were we going somewhere? Where? Why doesn't anyone tell me these things?!

"It's a surprise," he said mysteriously. "Wear something casual and meet me in my room whenever you're ready."

He gave me a slight push before disappearing. Still confused I walked upstairs, going to Alice's room to see if she knew anything about this.

She had the door open before I could knock. "Alice--"

She cut me off. "I knew you'd be coming! Okay, stay here I'll be back in a minute, just have to get some stuff for you..."

I looked around as Alice flashed around her room, gathering things in her hands. She stopped in front of me and pushed me down in a chair.

Alice pushed the chair over to her huge mirror and swung me around so the back of the chair was facing the mirror.

She had a tube of lipstick in one hand and eyeliner in the other. 

"Hold up," I said, raising a hand before she could apply it to my face.


"What's going on?"

"I'm gonna get you ready! Edward said I could but not to go overboard, sadly" she answered, perky as ever.

"Get ready for what???" I asked. Like I said, no one ever tells me these things.

"For your date tonight!" she exclaimed.

"He told me to get ready just five minutes ago and to meet him in his room when I was done. I don't think he expected me to take the whole day!"

"Trust me sweetie, Edward knows what he's doing. He told me to make sure you were ready by eight tonight."

"But--" I started but she cut me off.

"Okay! Stop talking. He knew I would take really long to do this that's why he gave us whole day. Even with two people!"

"Two people?" I felt like a serious idiot having to question everything.

"Yep, Rose is out getting your clothes and I'm here doing your makeup. I like to do that first."

I opened my mouth to speak again but she waved her hand, shutting me up.

Fun fact, Alice takes extremely long to do makeup, which is ridiculous. When I asked her why so long during the short break she gave me to get some water, she said she has to do it perfectly.

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