Chapter Fourteen

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Katherine's POV

I ran full speed toward the vampires. I was excited. Not scared. At all. Never.

Well, maybe a little bit. I attacked the first one that came at me. 

I tore of her head and flung it in the woods and did that to her arms and legs as well.

The battle continued like that for a while. Everyone was still there, thank goodness. I finished off the dude who came at me and looked around.

The place was almost empty. Not much were left and the pack and the Cullens were taking care of them.

I looked for everyone. Edward was fighting eight vampires at the same time. Scary.

Victoria was sneaking up behind him. Oh crap. He was really vulnerable right now. Edward was a douche, but I couldn't let him die.

Maybe I could, but I didn't hate him that much.

I ran towards Victoria. And I saw someone jump out from the tree.

AAGGGHHH. Bella!!! Why??? Apparently she was going to attack Victoria because she didn't want Edward to get hurt.

Idiot human. She wasn't supernatural. Unfortunately, she didn't hit her target. She dropped on me.

No, no, no!!! I tried to fling Bella off me but she was like a vice grip. I was going to surprise Victoria. Victoria was more experienced and surprise would have been my only advantage.

With one last heave I flung Bella off. Too late. Victoria had seen me already.

When I had thrown off Bella, I had to use so much force I actually ended up backwards. But I didn't turn around fast enough.

Cold arms wrapped around me. I twisted and squirmed. Victoria had me.

I clawed at her face but she wouldn't let go. I moved in every way the human body allowed.

Then the arms got tighter. I screamed for help in my mind but the pack was fighting.

With one swift tighten, I heard all of my bones cracking.

Like huge trees, falling down at the same time, and the roots ripping out of the ground.

The pain was terrible. Victoria wouldn't let go still. I could barely move. I was like a pile of flesh.

She tightened her grip and more bones cracked. I howled.

The loudest, most pain-filled howl I ever did. I heard Victoria laugh, then drop me.

I fell to the ground, hurting like crazy and still howling. The remainder or newborns ran away with Victoria.

Alice and Rose ran up to me. My vision was blurry. I saw them grab my dress.

I phased and it hurt even more. They covered me with the dress. I couldn't take the pain anymore.

I didn't want to feel it anymore. God had mercy on me, because right then, I blacked out.

Edward's POV

I remember I was fighting about seven or eight vampires. They were easy to kill, since they had absolutely no experience.

Then I heard this howl. I dropped to my knees, holding my ears.

I looked around for where the sound was coming from. Whoever it was was in serious pain. It actually hurt me hearing it.

Katherine. Victoria managed to get hold of her and broke almost all of her bones.

But I don't get that. Kat was a really good fighter.

How could Victoria even manage to touch her in first place?

Alice and Rosalie ran over and covered her with the dress after she phased. Where was Bella?

I looked around and saw her sitting down under the tree. I went up to her.

"Bella! You were supposed to stay in the tree!!! Why did you come out???" I wanted to shout but said calmy instead.

"Edward! Victoria was going to attack you but I jumped on her before she could. Katherine got mad at me for coming out and flung me in the woods," she sobbed.

What? Kat hurt Bella? Well, I wasn't helping her at all. I don't care if she was on her death bed.

I took Bella into my arms and spoke to her soothingly. I picked her up and I ran home.

I didn't even see if Katherine was okay. Why should I?

After I put Bella in the guest room, I went downstairs. Everyone was there, even the pack, and they were around Kat.

I saw Emmett pick her up and take her upstairs. Probably to the medical room Carlisle had.

"Edward! Why did you run off??? Katherine was hurt. I know you don't like her but you could have at least stayed and made sure she was ok!" Alice cried.

"Why should I? She flung Bella in the woods and could've killed her!" I yelled.

"What do you mean?" asked Alice looking confused. I told her what Bella told me.

"Edward that's impossible. I was keeping tabs on Kat. Katherine was going to attack Victoria and Bella jumped out from the tree to attack Victoria but landed on Kat," said Rose.

"And Kat flung her off because Victoria was coming at her but it was too late and Victoria got ahold of her," said Jasper, picking up the story and ending it.

What? Bella lied to me then? Why???

I went upstairs to talk to Bella. I had to find out what was going on.

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