Chapter Twenty Nine

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Katherine's POV

Well, Bella's a vampire. Greeeeaaaaaaaat. We all have to take care of her now. Aren't we lucky! (note sarcasm)

I walked downstairs and found Emmett on the ground building a house of cards. Hm..he was pretty good. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

You know, I never understood why I even bother to check the fridge.

Everything in there you have to cook and that's my worst talent. I poked some stuff around.

Okay. Bread. Cheese. I could do that. Not very hard.

While I was pulling out the stuff, all the others came downstairs. I greeted them and went back to cutting the cheese, which, for me, required serious concentration.

Edward came up and kissed my on the cheek from behind. "Morning, love."


"You? Making bread and cheese? Out of everything else in the fridge?" he asked.

"Shut up, it's the only you don't need a pot for."

Edward chuckled and went over to Emmett and watched him build his card house.

I started cutting it pretty good though. Until my hand slipped.

The knife made a long deep cut on my hand. I grimaced. As soon as I set down the knife, all of the vampires in the room looked at me.

Rose and Edward was at my side in an instant. "Kat? Why is there blood on your hand?" he asked, staring nervously down at my palm.

"Don't worry, the knife just slipped that's all." Why did he look so... surprised? Not trying to control himself, just surprised.

I went to put my hand under the pipe to let the water wash it out when it healed. Oh goodie.

That's when I realized what just happened. I spun around, facing everyone, my eyes wide.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Why do I have blood in me? I'm cold like you guys and pale like you guys and I have blood in me unlike you guys. What's happening? CARLISLE!!!" I yelled.

He appeared next to me. "What is it Kat?" he asked, looking worried.

"This!" I grabbed the knife and cut myself on the palm.

Okay I was being kinda dramatic by showing it to him instead of telling him but hell, I was scared!

Carlisle's eyse widened, as he watched a few drops of blood spill, then my cut healed. "Well."


"It seems, that the venom did not completely take over your system," he said.

"So I'm part human?" I asked. I hope he says no. I would hate to be a human. They're so normal.

"More like part werewolf, since you weren't human before."


"Although, this would make it difficult. You are easier to kill now," Carlisle said, looking worried.

"Don't worry about that. You can't smell the blood and I look like a normal vampire. They won't know unless they hurt me and that's definitely not gonna happen," I said reassuringly.

He nodded, smiling slightly, then went back upstairs, to put this in his book or whatever he said.

"Well, everyone, outside. Time to train," Jasper announced.

We all groaned. I ran upstairs, changed my clothes and raced back downstairs, arriving at the same time as Alice, who went to change her clothes too.

We didn't even start when Bella came up.

"Carlisle sent me. He said I had to train," she said, looking at all of us.

"Well, I'll show you. The rest of you, practice what we did last time," said Jasper, walking ahead of Bella to another part of the clearing.

Bella smiled at Edward. That's the most emotion I ever saw from her. And I hated it. Edward scowled at her, came over to me, put his arm around my waist and guided me to another part of the clearing.

Ha, take that Bella. I heard her 'hmph' and stomp off after Jasper.

I snickered under my breath and started to train with Edward. It was completely unfair.

He was so fast. Edward was the fastest out of all of us, but who knew he was this fast??? I kicked him and plunked down on the ground.

Edward chuckled and sat next to me. "Can't keep up Kat?" he said, smirking at me.

I screwed up my face at him. "Damn right I can't Edward. You're too fast."

He laughed, then stood up and extended his hand toward me. "Come on. I'll go slower for your sake."

I grinned, pulled myself up and we started to fight. And guess what?

I beat him!!!! Finally.

Yeah right. What really happened was me ending up pressed against a tree and begging for mercy.

After a while, it was night. Jasper came back with Bella and said we could leave. We all began walking back to the house.

Edward kept his hand around my waist, talking to me until Bella came up next to him.

"Hi Edward," she said in an epicly failing sexy voice.

"What? Oh--hey." Then he turned back talking to me. She bumped into him. Purposefully.

Bella pushed him so hard he actually stumbled against me. When we turned aroud, she was on the ground.

Was she retarded of something? "Why are you on the ground?" I asked her.

"Edward, you acidentally bumped into me and I fell. It really hurts. Carry a beautiful girl back?" she said, completely ignoring me.

It took all that I had not to open a big hole in the ground underneath her.

"I didn't bump into you. Come on Kat," he said, picking me up, bridal stayle.

"What are you doing Edward?" she asked. You would swear she was blind or something.

"What you said," he answered. He took off running with me back to my room.

Ooooh. She said carry a beautiful girl back home, meaning her and Edward took me. Haha.

I laughed and kissed his cheek. Edward smiled and leaped into my bedroom window.

He set me down and kissed me gently. We stayed in room, watching movies without stopping for the rest of the night.

Best. Night. Ever.

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