Chapter Forty Eight

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Katherine's POV

-One week later-

I let out a loud groan. "Don't worry sweet, we'll find somewhere," Edward tried to comfort me. We sat in his room, looking over a map of Forks.

For the past week, we have been searching for a place for the wedding reception. And everywhere was terrible. All the rooms were too small!

I know Forks is a small place. I know the population is not much. But I remember looking at a place, and a pizza box was easily larger than it. "Okay, Kat, look. We haven't checked this area of Forks yet," Edward said encouragingly. He pushed a map towards me.

I never saw it, because I was too busy moping into a pillow. He grabbed my arm and yanked me up, which no doubt would have dislocated a human's arm.

I was so disappointed that I just held the map in front of me, and catapulted forward.

I ended up on the ground, with my face in the map, my butt in the air and me groaning about unfair life was. There was only so much disappointment a girl could take.

 Edward knelt on the ground, eased me up until i was kneeling as well and pointed out a place on the map. I looked at him.

"We haven't checked there because that's where the rubbish dump is! It stinks there! HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW THAT!" I screamed in his face. Then I crossed my legs and arms, pouted and frowned at the floor, as though it was the reason for all of this.

I was pretty surprised he hadn't called off the marriage, I was like this for the past two days.

"Not there Kat. Look where I'm pointing," he said patiently. I dragged my eyes to it.

My sour mood disappeared. "Hey, let's go there!" I exclaimed.

Edward took my face into his hands. "How do I put up with you?" he asked, shaking his head smiling, before pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

I grinned. "Well, come on." Edward was standing suddenly, and helped me up. He went to start the car, and I went to tell Esme where we were going.

She wished us luck, and we disappeared, Rosalie already in the car. Rose was actually a pretty good interior designer, considering she did my room, so we asked her to come with us and look around.

We were at the place in practically minutes, it was a wonder he never got a speeding ticket before. The whole ride, Rosalie blamed herself for not thinking of here before.

"I swear, this part has places larger than a credit card, unlike most. I know a few places that you might like. Take a right here, Ed," she directed.

Edward stopped in front of a decent looking place. A little shabby if you looked hard, but you'll be amazed at what an interior designer could do. Rose wasn't a professional, but she was what we had.

Rosalie had our best interests at heart, so I trusted her rather than have to explain in detail to another designer.

The room was a good size, but I didn't like it too much. There was no air condition, a complete setback for me. And there weren't any windows either. People would fry! Well, actually they wouldn't, because there was no body heat, other than the pack, and Forks didn't get that much sun.

But no air condition? Tough luck managers, no sale today. Edward drove to another place at Rosalie's directions, and this place looked as though it had some pizzaz. (Got that from Spongebob (: )

Debra's, it was called. Plain and simple. Well, we met Debra, who turned out to be a sucker for weddings, and was willing to knock down the price by a thousand for us.

We refused though. She said it without us even asking the price, but we decided to pay it. The full price, which was pretty expensive, but Edward assured me he wanted to. I could see why, though.

It looked as though Debra put all her savings into a place that didn't get much business, and she wore plain clothes, which looked a little worn.

I was glad he did. I took a liking to Debra, but, sadly, Edward advised against any humans coming. Some covens might have some newborns, and a single human with a load of vampires was not safe.

Too bad, I wanted to invite her. She was old, and her face had that kind, grandmother look to it.

But she seemed completely happy by renting it out to us alone. Rosalie approved of it, there was air condition, and it was huge. Large enough to fill even more than the amount of guests we had.

Rosalie snapped a few pictures with her phone, after Edward told Alice would most likely kill her if she didn't.

We left after checking the parking lot, which was large enough for the cars to fit. Edward drove back to the house in minutes, once again.

It was about about eight o' clock, but I felt kind of tired. I hadn't slept the whole week. I kissed Edward goodnight, left him going over designs with Rosalie, and went up to my room.

I lay down on my bed, and was ready to fall asleep, when I thought what would happen if I tripped up the aisle or something? Or what if something goes wrong?

I started to feel nervous. I sat up in bed and sighed. I needed to talk to someone.

I left my room, not bothering to pull anything over my nightgown, I wasn't going downstairs anyway. I padded around the corners and knocked softly on Carlisle and Esme's room.

"Come in," Esme's singsong voice rang out. I gently pushed the door open. "Oh, hello Kat. Is something wrong?" A crease of concern lined her forehead.

"I was just wondering if I could talk to you for a little while," I asked. Carlisle sat on the bed, reading a book. He got up and left the room, understandingly.

Esme got up from her seat at the dresser and sat on the bed, patting the space next to her. "Come, sit."

I sat and began slowly. "The wedding--"

She didn't let me finish. "Getting nervous? Like tripping down the aisle? Accidentally staining your dress? Trust me dear, it's expected."

I stopped, relieved that I didn't have to explain.

"I felt the same way on my wedding day. I didn't even try to calm myself down. I made it up the aisle, but the worst thing happened to me. Of course, I can laugh about it now, but let me tell you, it was terrifying."

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

She gave a small laugh. "I was so nervous, the nerves took over. When it was time for us to say 'I do', I acidentally said 'I don't'!"

I cupped my hand to my mouth, a smile on my face. "Really?"

Esme was full out laughing now. "Oh yes. I realized my mistake and hurriedly fixed it, but Carlisle looked as though he was about to have a heart attack."

I giggled. We talked a bit more. Esme told me the best thing to do was to just keep my eyes on Edward. She gave the same piece of advice to Rosalie and Alice on their wedding days as well.

After about half of an hour, I left, feeling pretty good with myself. I opened my window and took a breath of fresh air, before I went back in bed.

I fell asleep soon, no longer worried about the wedding.

Guess I don't have a contribution to one of those funny wedding videos on Youtube. And I had to remember not to watch those anymore.

When you're getting married, those things are like horror movies.

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