Chapter Twenty Five

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Katherine's POV

I had my head on Rose's shoulder, still bawling my eyes out, when Edward came walking up to the porch. When he saw me, he flashed over to my side.

"Kat, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"I'm gonna go now," said Rose, a tiny smile on her face. Edward took her place.

I told him everything. About Sam, getting kicked out of the pack. 

I know I couldn't be in the pack if I was a vampire, but did they have to be so harsh?

Make me feel so unwelcomed? As if they hated me from the minute I came?

Edward rubbed my back and soothed me. He helped a lot. He took me inside up to my room.

"Kat, forget about them. Real family would have accepted you, but said you couldn't be in the pack anymore but you can still live there. Real family wouldn't have done what Sam did."

I nodded my head. I honestly didn't want to talk now. Edward talked to me for a little while then left.

Outside, there was this flash, thunder came and rain started to pour heavily.

Rain.....I love rain. I pulled on a hoodie, took off my slippers and put on a pair of old sneakers.

I jumped out the window and began running to my secret place. I climbed to the top of the rock and sat, breathing in the scent of the night.

A stick broke behind. OH HELL. I forgot about Victoria. "Remember me?"

I stood up and turned around. It was her. "How can I forget you?" I replied.

"Hm." In a second, Victoria was up on the rock with me.

"Strange, isn't it? Your eyes are still green. That's not normal. Abnormal vampires shouldn't be allowed to live." And with that, she shoved me off the rock.

I managed to land on my feet. Victoria jumped down beside me and lunged for me. I dodged, ran behind her and kicked her in the back.

She fell, got up, turned around and smirked at me. Then she disappeared. Probably ran into the woods.

Something dark passed by. I spun in that direction. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the Thing pass by again.

I turned in that direction too. Great, now Victoria probably thinks I'm a ceiling fan.

Something jumped on my back, knocking me down. I flung it off and ran.

Lame, I know, but I was effing scared. To hell with playing hero, I'm running for dear life.

I found myself in some meadow. I stopped there. I stood up straight.

Three, two, one.

I flung myself to the side. Victoria raced pass me. Ha, got that one from Jacob.

She turned around and raced for me. I ran again, but there was this huge tree in front of me.

And when I say huge, I'm not kidding. You could mistake the thing for a wall. And, like the big idiot I am, instead of turning while I had the chance, ran straight towards it.

Victoria was right in front of me now. My back was against the tree. There was nowhere I could go.

She raised her hand and went to snap off my head. I shrieked and put my hands in front of my face.

Waiting for the impact to come. And waiting. And waiting. Waiting ever so patiently. I peeked through my fingers.

There was a massive rock in front of me. That definitely wasn't there before. Victoria was gone. I don't even know if she was alive or dead.

I put my hands down slowly. And with it, the rock disappeared. Woah.

I put my hands up again. The rock came.





Well, I'll just stand here like an idiot and wait for Victoria to come back so I could remind her she has to kill me. I started running back to the house.

I leaped through my window, ran downstairs and found Carlisle.

Telling him everything that happened, he just sat in a chair.

"Well Kat, I think that there just is a possibility that you can control earth."


He nodded.

"Cool!" I exclaimed.

"But, that might not be all. To be able to control just one element is very rare. In fact, to even control an element is rare. But I highly doubt it's just earth you can control."

"Keep going."

"Well, you might be able to control all four elements," he finished.

All. Four. Elements.


"But let's test it," he said, getting up. He brought back a glass of water and poured it on the floor.

Then he set the glass down next to it. "Get the water to go back in the glass."

I knelt down next to it. I put my hand over the puddle of water then carried my hand over to where the glass stood.

The water went up in the air in an arc, and went into the glass. Nice. I always wanted to control water.

Carlisle lit a candle and put it in the far end of the room. "Out the flame."

I lifted my hands, pulled it back, then pushed it with a lot of force. My entire body was tingling, like when I used water and earth.

Wind wooshed from where my hands were and went straight to the flame, outing it.

Carlisle then lit the candle again, and put a cloth into a metal bowl. "Set the cloth on fire."

I stretched my arm out as far as it could go towards the candle and waved it across to the cloth.

I honestly didn't know what was the proper way to make the fire, water, earth or air move, I just did what I remember from The Last Airbender.

The fire moved in an arc like the water did the cloth started to burn.

"Now put out the flames," Carlisle instructed.

I pointed my arm to the glass of water on the ground and flicked my wrist, sending water over to the cloth.

But not in a thin arc like the others. It was like a wave.

Apparently, when I controlled the elements, they became more. Like it wasn't only the amount of water in the glass went to the cloth.

Because when I put my arm down, there was still water in the glass. But a whole lot more water than that went to the cloth.

"Katherine, you can control the elements! Congrats! A very good and useful ability in the vampire world."

I hugged him, then went to my room.

I would tell everyone about it in the morning. I picked up the bottle of water from my dresser and emptied it on the floor.

Right now, I wanted to play with water.

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