Chapter Twelve

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That's their kitchen over there. I love it =D


Katherine's POV

I woke up this morning. On the ground. Hm...either I went to sleep on the ground or I fell out of the bed.

I think it's the second one. I went in the bathroom, did my stuff and went downstairs.

Everyone was there. I greeted everyone and they responded.

"Hey Kat? Well we're going to be gone, but just for today," said Esme.

"Why?" I asked, while munching on some toast Esme made for me.

"Well, Jasper and Alice want some time alone, Rose and Emmett are going out to hunt and Carlisle and I are going to my island to check up on things there and you'll be alone...with Edward," said Esme.

I blinked. "Isn't Edward going to be with Bella or something???" I asked, my voice becoming kinda shrill.

"Bella, is out of town, visiting her mother for today," said Edward.

I blinked. And again. And again. But I didn't argue or make a fuss. After all, I still was their guest. But that doesn't mean I wasn't pissed about staying with world's biggest douchebag.

"O--kay," I said.

"Thanks. We had hoped you would be ok with it," said Alice.

"Of course. So go and have fun and hunt and check up on things and who knows what else," I said laughingly.

They said bye and in a flash they were gone. I finished my toast and washed the plate. Edward had gone up to his room. Thank goodness.

I took out the book he gave me, kicked back on the couch and began reading.

Edward's POV

Great. I'm gonna be stuck with that witch for the day. Ok Ed, it's just a day. I could survive this.

I sat on the couch and began working on the piece of music I had thought of some night ago. After a while I had almost finished it.

It took three hours. I wanted it perfect. I only had to do one more bar and it would be done.

I played the piano for so long that I knew what every note sounded like. I didn't even need the piano to do a song.

I went downstairs to find the wicked witch of the west crawling on the floor. This girl.

"What are you doing???"

I had to ask. Who wouldn't if you saw someone crawling around on the floor?

"I'm hungry," Kat said.

I nodded and walked off. I didn't know what that had to do with her crawling on the floor but to ask Katherine would be like nailing jello to a tree.

"Edward..... make me something to eat," she begged.




"......Please," she said.

That made me turn around. I raised an eyebrow at her. "No." Even though she said please. Which she never says. To me.

"Just cook something," I said.

"You know that I am the only person in the world who can burn water," Katherine said.

True though. She was a terrible cook. She was never good at the things girls should be good at.

Kat couldn't sew a straight stitch to save her life.

"Well order in then."

"I--I can't," she said.

"Why not?"

"I don't like to talk to them. I always forget the address and end up hanging up on them."

I started laughing. I couldn't help it.

"Shut up! It's not funny," Kat mumbled, blushing and staring at the ground.

"It is and I'm still not making you something to eat. Starve," I told her.

We don't have anything in the fridge already cooked. No leftovers or anything cause we don't eat.

"Fine," she huffed.

Good. Maybe she'll leave me alone now. I walked up to my room. The minute I closed my door she began yelling. Right outside the door.

"Edward pleeaaaaaase. I'm starving. Please. Please with blood on top," she bawled.

Urrrgggghhhh. Might as well shut her up.

I opened the door. Kat had her back on the ground and was scraping her feet all over the wall.

"Fine! Just leave me alone!" I yelled.

"Ok!" she said, a huge grin coming on her face.

I stomped into the kitchen and made her barbecue and fries. Maybe that will keep the wolf alive until the others come back. 

The whole time Kat just stared at me while I was cooking in awe. Her eyes were wide open. Guess this would be interesting for someone who had no clue on how to cook.

Granted, I was a great cook. I put the plate in front of her and walked off.

"Edwaaaaaaaaaaaard," she called.

AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH. "What?!" I yelled back.

".....Thank you," she whispered. If I wasn't a vampire I couldn't have heard it.

"Your welcome," I called. I went up to my room and stayed there until Alice and all of them came back.

I didn't even go downstairs to see them. I saw them for over one hundred years so no point.

I just stayed in my room and played the piece of music over and over in my head. It sounded really good.

All I had to do now was to finish it.

A Musical Love (Edward Cullen Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now