Chapter Twenty Eight

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Katherine's POV

After Edward left me in my room, Carlisle came up to talk to me about more stuff he discovered about me.

Apparently, I could sleep. I didn't have to, but I could.

I was kinda happy about that though because sleep meant dreams and dreams meant....I don't know but I knew I liked dreams.

And I had to eat regular food. But not as often as humans.

Like...three times a week or so. I could go about three weeks without food. I can't die if I don't eat, but I could get extremely weak.

And, unfortunately, I couldn't read minds anymore. And I didn't have a block anymore. Well, that sucked.

Don't ask me how he found out all this stuff, but I'm glad he did.

And, turns out we have to train. For when the Volturi come. Jasper would teach us.

How to fight, fastest and easiest way to kill a vampire, stuff like that. We would need the training though, because it's the Volturi and they're, like, powerful.

I checked the time. Ten more minutes. I went downstairs and walked outside into the forest clearing.

Emmett, Jasper, Edward and Carlisle made it so we would have place to train.

You would think in this huge house they have a workout room.

Turns out they didn't.

Rose and Alice were already there when I got there.

"Hey!" I said.

"You seem awfully happy about this," Rose grumbled.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Oh she was like that since I came down," said Alice, in her usual cheerful voice.

"It's just...I don't know! I just feel like being upset about this training thing ok? I don't like work," she said, flinging her arms into the air.

"Who does?"


I thought for a while. Actually, Rose was right.

"Woah, you're wearing those shoes to train in?!" cried Alice, staring at my Airwalk.


"No, no, no. You can't."


"Because! They don't match what you're wearing!" she pointed out.

"Okay. Cool." I never understood Alice. Clothes and shoes and makeup. And hair.

She disappeared and reappeared holding a pair of designer sneakers.

"Wear that."

"You want me to wear designer sneakers to train in?!?!" I screamed. This was ridiculous. But then again, it was Alice.


I looked at the sneakers, grabbed them and put them on. Who ever said no to Dolce and Gabbana???

Just then, Edward, Emmett and Jasper came down.

"Everyone ready?" asked Jasper.

"Wait, where's Carlisle and Esme?" asked Rose.

"They know this stuff already," explained Jasper.


Jasper began walking further into the clearing with everyone following him.

Edward came up and kissed me. "How's everything going? With the vampire stuff I mean?"

"It's okay. Turns out I still have some human in me."

I told him what Carlisle told me. He nodded. "Good. I'm happy."


"Cause I like watching your dreams," he said, smiling sheepishly.

I laughed.

He kissed me once more, then went over to the boys.

Jasper explained what we had to do. He demonstrated using Emmett for a while, but Emmett saw a butterfly and went running off so Jasper used Edward.

The stuff was not easy. Jasper made it look like cutting butter. But doing it was like trying to nail jello to a tree.

We trained for a pretty long while until we heard someone call out.


A voice all too familiar.

We turned around to find Bella. "What do you want?" Rose asked.

"I want to help."

I looked around at everyone. Their expressions said, "A human thinks she's gonna be useful. Tell me that when pigs fly."

"How could you possibly help us?' I asked.

Bella came closer. "Turns out, I do have a mind block. With you being a werewolf Katherine, that was why you could read my mind. If someone were to turn me into a vampire, I could extend that shield."

"Who told you this?" Jasper interrupted.


So that was why. Carlisle knew she would be useful. Jane could only make you think you're feeling pain.

She can't actually hurt you physically with her ability. And if Bella's mind shield could protect us, it would be an advantage.

"Fine," stated Jasper.


Bella turned around and began walking back inside the house. "Where are you going?" called Jasper.

"For Carlisle to turn me into a vampire." she yelled back.

After she was gone, we turned around and faced each other. "Bella, huh?" asked Edward, facing Jasper.

"She would be extremely useful, Edward."

"I suppose," he grumbled, scowling.

I smiled a little to myself, and we went back to training until it was night. 

"Okay, you can go now," said Jasper.

"I hate you bro," said Emmett, slapping him on the back.

"I hate you too man."

We all went back in the house and played cards and Monopoly and Pictionary and basically, whatever we could find.

Nobody thought what Bella was doing was noble or anything. Turning herself into a vampire to help us.

Because we ALL knew she wanted to become a vampire in the first place. But one thing I was hoping for.

That Bella wouldn't have to stay with us when she became a vampire, unless she changed and acted nicer.

And even then, I probably wouldn't forgive her.

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