Chapter Forty Seven

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Katherine's POV

I woke up wrapped in Edward's arms in my room. I sat up quickly. "Woah, where am I? I'm supposed to be in New York!"

He chuckled, stroking my hair. "You were completely knocked out, love. Looks like all those dresses wore you out more than you think. Rosalie brought you up here because she was too lazy to take you to your room."

"Oh." I didn't think I was that tired. 

"So, speaking of dresses, what's your look like?" he asked me curiously.

"Well, it's white with- hey! I can't tell you! You'll just have to see," I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

Edward gave a pained groan. "Please! Alice won't tell me, Rosalie shoved me out of the room, Esme said no, I even called Leah and Emily!"

"It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, and you should be ashamed of yourself taking advantage of my knowledge when I now woke up," I scolded him.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, it's just I want to know badly!" he begged. Edward took my hands. "Please?"

"No. Now go, I'm going to get changed," I said, shooing him out the room.

"Do I have to leave?" he asked, giving me a smirk.

If I were human, my cheeks would be red. "Go!"

Edward snickered and disappeared downstairs. I shut the door and put myself in the shower. I got out after about fifteen minutes, put on some decent clothes, and went downstairs.

At least, I tried to go downstairs. Rosalie stopped me before I even reached the flight. "Here, hide this!"

She shoved the bag with the dress in it. "I had to hide it from Edward, telling him I had 'lady items' in it when he tried to look." Rose shuddered.

Just then Alice walked out. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Go eat something, you were practically dead yesterday. Rose, make her something to eat, then come to my room. We have things we still need to sort out."

Alice vanished. "Well come on. I thought we killed you yesterday when you refused to wake up." She led me down the stairs.

Soon, I was munching on a chicken sandwich watching Spongebob. "I don't get why you like this show. It's stupid, with a little gay sponge as the main character," Rosalie commented, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, number one, Spongebob is not gay. He's a drawing for crying out loud! And I just like it." Thta's something I never understood. It's animated! How could a cartoon be gay?

I finished my sandwich, put the dish in the dishwasher and Rose and I walked up to Alice's room.

The door was open before we even knocked. "Okay, Kat, here's a book with a bunch of photos of nail designs. Choose the one you like."

I reached for the book which lay open on the bed, but she stopped me. "But no time for that! First, you have to look at the invitations! Edward and Jasper worked on them, anything you don't like or want to change tell Rosalie, and she'll fix it."

I glanced around at Rose who already had her seat at Alice's computer and had the invite on the screen. I walked over and looked at it, taking in every detail. I nodded. "It's perfect, don't change anything."

She nodded. "Okay, when you finished looking at the nails, there's another book with hairstyles. Look at that too."

I nodded again. "Oh and, you guys do realize we still have more than three weeks left right?" The girls giggled.

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