Chapter Twenty One

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Katherine's POV

I ran into the forest the minute I left my room and went to my secret place. I sat up there and cried.

Cried because I didn't know what to do. Cried because I didn't know who Edward would choose. Cried because I just could.

I heard a rustling sound. Oh crap. I forgot that they never caught Victoria. Calm down Kat.

It might just be a bunny. Yeah... a bunny. Something flashed by.

A white bunny.

The Thing flashed by again.

A white bunny that's bleeding blood. Most animals have red blood.

But most animals don't stand on two legs and wear a jacket!!! I opened my mouth to scream.

Victoria got in front of me and clamped her hand over my mouth. Oh geez that was so cold. And not the nice Edward-type cold.

The cold that said I-Wanna-Kill-You.

"What do you want?" I murmed beneath her hand. "To kill me?"

Well no duh. But her answer was not what I expected.

"Of course not. Death is the easy way out. I'm gonna give you something much more painful," she said, smiling evilly at me.

Her stare was so intense I wanted to fall to my knees. But what could be worse than death?

No more ice-cream would probably be worse than death. Or if everyone became teachers by some wicked spell Voldemort casted.

Then she lowered her head to my neck.

Now I know what could be worse than death. Victoria stuck her fangs into me and injected the venom. I screamed like no other.

The pain was unbearable. I howled and screamed like a maniac. Victoria dropped me and ran off.

Even if I wanted to, I didn't chase after her. And me, taking the easy way out as usual, blacked out.

Edward's POV

I searched all over for Katherine. I had to find her. To tell her I love her.

Suddenly, I heard this scream. And it definitely came from Kat.

I raced in the direction. When I saw her, she was on the forest floor, writhing in pain.

"Love, what happened?" I cried, holding her face between my palms.

She tried to say something, then blacked out. Her neck was bleeding. I managed to control myself.

But something looking a like a black drop was on her neck too. Oh no. Victoria bit her. No wonder the love of my life was screaming.

Every time she jerked, I felt like stabbing myself. Her pain seemed to affect me as well.

It was too late to suck out the venom. If she was jerking around like that and already blacked out, the venom got to her heart.

I lifted her ever so gently in my arms, tears spilling down my face and raced her off to Carlisle.

I burst through the door. "Carlisle, you have to help her!" I yelled.

His face was aghast. "Don't tell me...oh God was she...."

"Yes she was and you have to help her right now!!!" I screamed.

I couldn't let her die. I wouldn't. Carlisle took her from me and raced upstairs to the medical room with me following him.

He hooked her up to some machine. She was breathing normally, but other than that, all signs of life were gone.

Carlisle leaned against the wall and stared at her.


"Edward, there's nothing we can do but wait," he replied clamly.

I felt sorry for shouting at him but I had to know she was going to be okay.

I sat down in a chair and looked at her gorgeous face which was streaked with tear stains. I probably looked the same myself.

I love her. More than anything. Since I kissed her, I loved her.

Katherine made me feel a way I never did before. Bella sure as hell didn't make me feel that way.

Bella made me want to punch a wall sometimes.

I leaned over and kissed Kat on her cheek. I didn't care if Carlisle saw me. I pulled away, without looking at him.

There was nothing I could do but sit in a chair and wait.

And hope she was going to be okay. Hope she was going to be alive.

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