Chapter Forty Four

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Katherine's POV

I woke up on top of nail polish bottles. Let me tell you, it did not feel comfortable.

I glanced around, confused about two things. Where I was and how did I ever fall asleep on those bottles. If I wasn't a vampire, I would had a lot of bruises.  Leah was now waking up, and Alice was doing Rosalie's nails.

Guess Leah and I fell asleep and Rose and Alice had nothing better to do.

"Have you guys been up all night? Or did you just wake up early?" Leah asked them, rubbing her eyes.

"Up all night! Vampires don't sleep silly," said Alice, without breaking concentration on Rosalie's nails.

Leah gave me a confused look. "I'm not all vampire. Part werewolf, actually," I told her.

"Really? What differences?"

"Have blood, can sleep, gotta eat and the eyes." Had I never told her this before?

Leah nodded thoughtfully. "Well, you girls go get ready, and we'll go downstairs together," said Rose, blowing on one hand.

I hid a smile, knowing it was because she didn't exactly feel comfortable going downstairs with a bunch of wolves there.

Leah and I showered and dressed quickly. When we got downstairs, apparently Seth made Emmett's sandwiches again, because the scent was everywhere.

"Hey girls! Come eat, Seth made way too much for us!" called Embry.

My eyes widened. They were werewolves, and Jake ate a lot. How much did Seth make?

Leah and I grabbed a plate and stacked sandwiches on them, while Alice and Rose only took one each, eating only to be polite.

"Hey, these taste really good! A lot like Emmett's, don't you think Rose?" commented Alice. Rosalie nodded her answer.

Seth beamed with pride.

After we ate, Alice, Rose and I decided to go back home. We waved to the pack and ran off through the forest.

"I like them," said Alice, dragging her suitcase over a bush.

"Yeah, they don't seem so bad," Rose admitted.

"I told you," I sang.

"Anyway, we have a full day today," Alice said.

"How come?"

"We have to go buy your wedding dress!" she exclaimed happily.

I almost tripped. "What?! I didn't even set the date for the wedding yet!"

"Okay, when do you want it?" she asked, in all seriousness.

"Ummm... I don't know, how about October 31st?"

Rosalie raised an eyebrow at me. "Halloween?"

"Yeah, it'll be cool to get married on Halloween. Like when all the supposedly fictional creatures come to life. I'll have to ask Edward about it though," I said, wondering if he'll agree.

Alice was silent for a moment or two. By now, we slowed down to a leisurely walk through the forest.

"If not, it could be on whatever day he chooses," I said.

"Oh well, you ask him today, and we'll go looking for a dress, well, today!" exclaimed Rosalie.

"You guys are really excited about this, aren't you?" I asked, an amused smile on my face.

"Well, duh! It's your wedding Kat! You must be excited too!"

"Yeah, I am," I admitted, a smile coming on my face as I day-dreamed about the wedding.

Getting married to Edward! After everything we've been through, it was finally happening. I imagined him standing there, looking gorgeous in his white suit.

The house came into view soon. I left my bag in my room and walked over to Edward's door. I knocked and he opened it a second later.

"I knew you were back! I smelled you the minute you were outside my door!" he exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled into his shoulder and relaxed into his arms. Edward pulled away and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips. "Missed me?" I asked.

"You have no idea how much," he replied, a caring smile coming on his face as he stroked my cheek.

Edward took my hand and pulled me in his room, closing the door. I sat myself on the couch and watched him go back to what he was doing before I knocked. "Edward, what day?"

"Hmm?" he asked, trying to sort a number of CD's without any names.

"What do you think the wedding should be?"

He gave me a knowing a smile. "Alice got to you too, huh?"

I grinned and nodded. He put down the CD and put his hands against the table. "Any day you want really. Though, knowing you, you'll probably want it to be on Halloween," he said, grinning knowingly at me.

A happy look came into my eyes. "Yes! Are you okay with that, though?"

He walked over to me. "Of course I am, Katherine. I rather like that day as well." Edward sat on the couch and held my cheek, his gold eyes shining.

I leaned forward and kissed him, which he returned. Edward gently slid his hands behind my knees and lifted on his lap in a swift movement.

Tangling my hands in his hair, I kissed him harder, which he returned. 

Edward played with the hem of my shirt, before sliding his fingers in to caress my skin. It sent tingles through my body, wherever his hand went.

He kissed me passionately, sucking on my lip and gaining entrance. His hand went further up my shirt, stopping at my bra.

We were interruppted by a knocking on the door. Edward pulled away and took his hand out from under my shirt.

My breathing was a little heavy, and I tried to calm it while smoothing my hair. Edward re-arranged me on his lap before calling,"Come in!"

Alice walked in. "So?"

"Halloween," said Edward. She shook her head smiling at us. 

"Everyone at the wedding will know who chose the date when they get the invitation."

I grinned. "Well Kat, it's the last day in September, and Rose is feeling a bit lazy now so we'll go buy the dress tomorrow, kay? We could plan the guest list tonight."

Edward and I nodded. "Alice, come on! You and Jasper promised you would help me find my Superman cape!" yelled Emmett from downstairs.

She sighed. "Well, I'm off."

"Good luck looking for that cape," said Edward. 

"Thanks, it's needed," she replied, closing the door behind her. I could hear her shout down to Emmett,"Well what do you want that cape for anyway? Last I saw a dog was running away with it."

Edward chuckled. "Kat, look what I found while I was at the DVD store," he said, holding up a case.

I took it and flipped it over to show the cover. It was a Spongebob Squarepants DVD with Season 3, 4 and 5. I squealed happily. Even Edward liked Spongebob. Who ever said no to the sponge? "Put it on, put it on!"

He grinned and took the case from me. "I knew you'd like it." Edward took out the disc and put it in the DVD player. Yes, he has a TV and a DVD player in his room. Can you say lucky?

He walked back to the couch and pulled me on his lap once more. 

Smiling, I pressed my cheek against his chest. I had the best boyfr- fiance ever.

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