Chapter Thirty Four

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Katherine's POV

*Two weeks later*

A lot of  time has passed, since the Battle of the Clearing (Emmett named it).

Edward and I are still going strong, and no sign of Bella.

For a day or two, I was kinda worried, but then I gave up on her, I still didn't like her.

The pack and I are ok now. Well, Sam and I are okay. The rest of the pack is awesome. I missed them so badly.

Jake started talking to me again. I asked them how they found out about the fight, and apparently, Seth smelled vampires around, which weren't us, and they came to look around.

I sat down on the island in the kitchen, literally on, I got tired of using the chairs, and was eating scrambled eggs Esme made.

Since I became a vampire, I could eat whatever I want whenever I wanted. I didn't get fat, it didn't harm my body in anyway.

Nearly everyday was fast food. And ice-cream. Life was good.

I shoveled another forkful of eggs into my mouth and looked around at the kitchen, marvelling how clean everywhere was.

The kitchen at the pack's house always smelt of burnt toast. Jacob and Seth weren't the best cooks when Emily wasn't there.

Just then, Edward walked in. He raised an eyebrow at me sitting on the island, but grinned after and kissed me.

"Good morning."

"Morning," I replied.

"How did you sleep?" he asked innocently.

"As if you didn't know," I said, smirking.

Since I became a vampire, and probably before that, he came in every night to look at my dreams.

He ducked his head, grinning shepishly. I finished off my eggs and went to wash the plate.

Edward grabbed the plate. "Go on in the forest, I'll wash it."

"How did you know I was going in the-- nevermind," when I saw him smirking.

Sometimes I wish he couldn't read minds. It got annoying with him predicting everything, like Alice.

"But you love it," he said grinning.

I glared at him playfully then went outside. I liked to go for runs sometimes. Stretch my legs, visit Thunder.

Thank God Carlisle thought of getting someone to take care of my horse, else it probably would be dead by now.

I loved animals, but wasn't that responsible. I had a hard enough time trying to remember if I had homework.

I waved to Joey, the horse guy, and went in to visit Thunder. 

Joey was nice, but I learned not to get to close to him. He knew we were vampires, and was scared of us, although we never did anything to him.

Superstitions, I guess.

I stroked his sleek black mane, and fed him an apple from the fruit bin outside. Thunder reared his head and looked at me accusingly.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to visit you that often. There was a lot to do," I apologized.

He looked at me sternly. "Fiiiiiiine," I groaned.

I got out a saddle and saddled him. Even though I could run faster than my horse, riding him still felt amazing.

He walked out of the stable on his own, he knew the way well enough.

For a while, Thunder and I rode as fast as we could, then he broke into a slow trot, going back to the stable.

I made sure he was, you know, clean-looking; and gave him three more apples.

Then, I walked deeper in the forest. I loved this place more than anything.

And the best part is that I haven't even been everywhere in it, so there was still more to explore.

I walked until I didn't recognize anything. Suddenly, I got the feeling I was being watched.

I'd been getting it for a while but I didn't take any notice of it.

Something dark flashed by from the corner of my eye.

That had been happening a lot too. Except it used to move slower. Now it was fast.

As fast as a vampire. I sniffed the air warily. No new scent, just the forest. 

I began feeling uncomfortable. I sped off, as fast as I can, until I found a few familiar trees, and followed them until I came to the house.

I pushed open the door and was about to walk in when I saw that dark thing flash by again.

Strange, I always saw it deep in the forest, never around the house.

In fact, I saw it in places I didn't recognize. Whatever it was, it was getting stronger.

And faster.

And braver.

And more daring to come this close to the house.

Or maybe I was just imagining things as always.

Still, I went inside where it felt safe.

I had a grilled cheese sandwich, I got Emmett to make it, he makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches EVER, then went up to my room.

I stuck in my headphones and played Taylor Swift- Long Live.

I loved that song. It reminded me of Harry Potter and Narnia.

Walking over to my window, I dragged a chair over and plunked myself in it, staring at the forest.

There it was! The dark thing again. But this time it went fast, then paused for the smallest while, then disappeared again. 

Almost as though it was taking a lood at me.

I slammed the window down, pulled the curtains over it and flung myself down on the bed.

I went to sleep. It was the middle of the afternoon, but I didn't care.

Sleep was one of the few places where I felt safe.

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