Chapter Nineteen

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Just pretend that's Kat over there, even though it's Bella. Buuuut if you never saw the movie, you would think it's Nina Dobrev right???? :P


Katherine's POV

I woke up, and remembered something was gonna happen today...something big.

Birthday? No, had that already. Emmett falling out a window? No, he never does the same idiotic act twice.

Oh right!!! I'm gonna see Edward feed. Cool...

I got ready and went downstairs. I had breakfast, and watched TV for the whole day.

There was nothing to do and they had some really good movies at their place. I was starting over the entire Harry Potter series again.

After about ten, I had some chocolate chip cookies and pulled on a dark pair of jeans, a black shirt and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

I put converse on my feet, after throwing out half of the wardrobe to find them, and checked the time.

Good,good. Quarter to eleven. I didn't take a jacket. I like to feel cold.

I walked to Edward's room and knocked on the door, feeling excited.

He opened the door. "You know, most people would be scared to watch a vampire hunt."

"Yeeaaaa, but I'm a werewolf," I said grinnig up at him.

Edward opened the door a bit more so I could come in. Cool, I never saw his room before.

"I like your bedroom. The only thing it's missing is well, a bed," I said, teasingly.

"Yeah yeah," he mumbled.

"Come on, let's go. Hop on," he said.

"I can run ya know," I told him.

"We're going really deep into the woods, and well, there are caterpillars there," he said looking at me with a smirk on his face.

How did he know I hate caterpillars??? Anyway, I jumped on his back.

Edward leapt out the window. Jesus Christ!!!!!! This is amazing!

He ran so fast, my hair actually got slack. It was amazing. And it felt so cold.

Soon he stopped. I hung on to him.

"You know, you could come off," he said.

"But what about the caterpillars?" I asked, peering down at the ground.

"On the way there are caterpillars, there aren't any here," he said.

Well gee, now I felt dumb. I slipped down walking over to a log carefully, looking out for any of those bugs.


"If you want, you can climb the tree. You can see better from there," Edward said.

"That tree's kinda tall...and straight....and smooth," I pointed out.

"Right." He put me on his back again and scaled the tree like a monkey. Edward set me down where I could still see.

"So when's it gonna happen?" I asked. 

"You're rather impatient aren't you?" he asked, smiling at me.

"Yeah kinda."


A deer ran past. Edward crouched down, without falling off the branch and leaped. I watched in awe as he tackled the deer and broke it's leg bones.

I jumped down and sat down on the log. Edward looked at me.

"You're sure you wanna see this?"

I nodded.


He put his mouth to the deer's neck and drained it dry. For some reason it wasn't disgusting though.

He didn't let a drop fall. Soon, Edward raised his head to look at me. "Well?"

"Well what?" Was I supposed to applaud or something?

"You aren't freaked out?" he asked.

"No. Surprisingly no," I responded.

He caught a few more deer then bent down so I could get on his back.

"How about we walk back?" I asked. It had gotten colder and it felt great.


We were walking for about two minutes before he asked,"Kat, do you ever miss parents?"

I looked up at him. "Like crazy," I said, sighing.

We stopped walking and sat down on the forest floor. We told each other what happened to us. Like how he was turned into a vampire.

He got up. "We should be heading back though, I forget that you still sleep," Edward said, smiling.

I laughed and took the hand he offered me. You know, his eyes were the nicest colour I have ever seen.

What I didn't realize was that those eyes were getting closer. Edward's forehead pressed against mine.

Why wasn't I pushing him away? He traced one ice cold finger against my cheek.

Edward inclined his head towards mine. And he pressed his mouth to my lips.

Edward Cullen was kissing me.And I liked it.

As stupid and as corny as it sounds, there were actually fireworks. I am never making fun of those girls I read in books again.

I kissed him back. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. I slipped my hands around his neck.

He didn't stop me. Edward put his hands around my waist and kissed me harder.

Wait a minute.....HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND!!! I didn't want to at all, but I pulled away.

"What is it?" he asked me.

"Edward...what about Bella?"

He cursed. "Kat, I am so sorry about that," he told me.

"Don't be."

He looked at me. "Can you do me a favour?"

"I won't tell Bella," I told him, before he could ask me.

"Thanks," he said looking relieved. Edward put me on his back and ran all the way back to my window.

I still couldn't believe it. I kissed Edward. I liked it. This isn't good.

He set me down gently inside my room. I expected him to leave but he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

And then, in a flash, he was gone.

I changed my clothes and put myself in my bed, all in a daze.

I didn't like him. I hated him. He was the most annoying person in the world.


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