Chapter Nine

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That's the pic of the meadow over there. Hope you like it :)


Katherine's POV

I woke up to birds chirping in my ear and sunlight streaming through the windows.


That never happens and if it did I don't want it to happen to me. Ever.

I went to the bathroom, did my stuff and pulled on some clothes. I had to see Carlisle and Esme. And the best part?

NO MORE SCHOOL!!!!!! We were on vacation for two months. That's probably why the pack chose to leave now.

Today was Saturday and tomorrow would be Sunday then vacation would officially be started.

I didn't walk through the forest as I would usually do when I was at the pack's house and going to see the Cullens.

I was too scared.

Running to their house I looked around and there seemed to be something different about everything. I felt free. I hadn't felt that in a long time.

Soon the Cullens' house became visible. I ran up the stairs and went in.

I never knocked. They were so used to seeing me that whenever I knocked they knew it was me so I didn't bother to do it anymore.

They didn't mind. They were like family to me.

"Carlisle? Esme? Can I talk to you guys?" I called, since there was no one in the living room.

"Of course, Katherine. What's up?" asked Esme, appearing out of nowhere with Carlisle at her side.

I told them about the pack leaving and if I could stay here with them because I was too scared to stay there by myself.

Not much scared me, but Victoria and The Volturi did.

"I'm surprised you thought you had to ask. You're always welcome here Kat," said Carlisle smiling.

"Thanks," I said relieved. If they had said no I might as well go crawl in a hole.

I said I was going up to see the others and went over to Rosalie's room.

Before I even knocked on the door she had it opened and yanked me in.

"I heard everything! I can't believe you're staying with us!!! I'm so happy! All the pranks we could pull on everyone. My best friend is staying with us for two months. What the hell could be better???" she yelled/shouted/squealed.

I laughed and we began to talk about practically everything.

After a while, Rose and I went over to Alice's room so we could plan out our entire vacation.

Alice heard me talking to Carlisle and Esme and she had a vision of us coming to her room.

That girl.

We planned out everything. And I made them come with me to the beach. It was always overcast here so they could go in the water like normal people.

Emmett and Jasper said they would come too when I asked them. In fact everyone said yes.

I didn't ask Edward. Rose said she would do that. I don't even want him to come but it would look bad if we had everyone going to the beach and Edward wasn't invited.

And if he was coming, so was Bella. Unfortunately. She might sit on my head and keep me underwater for ten minutes and then when I was dead claim it was an accident.

We continued to talk about vacation then the converstaion turned to Edward about the pranks we could pull on him.

This vacation was going to be very funny.

Edward's POV

Why, why, why??? The witch was going to stay with us. I heard her talking to Carlisle and Esme.

Why in heaven's name would they say yes?

Why must my vacation be ruined? By her?

On second thought, this might not be so bad. The tricks I could pull on her. 

Thought began to run around in my mind about pranks to pull on her.

I should write these down.

I didn't bother because knowing Katherine, she might find the list and use it for me.

I decided I would go for a run. I opened the window and jumped.

No hunting, just running. Straight.

Anything that was in my way I jumped over it. Soon, after about fifteen minutes, I came to this meadow.

Never found this place before. It was like a large open field with a tree at one end.

No flowers, just green grass and a few rocks here and there that you could sit on.

I liked it. It calmed my nerves.

I lay down. Today for a change it was actually sunny. 

My skin sparkled. It looked pretty, but just a disguise. To hide the monster.

I wouldn't tell anyone about this place. Not even Bella.

Especially not Bella.

I liked her but I just wanted this place to be for me. No one else.

Yeah, kinda selfish but to hell with that.

An hour or two passed before it began to get dark and rain began to fall.

I ran home and changed my clothes.

I sat myself down on the couch and pulled out my book, The Lost City of Atlantis.

The original copy. That book was really hard to find.

I read and read, while listening to some music.

When you can't sleep, it's actually a chore to find something to do.

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