Part 12

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I woke up the next morning hearing some whistling. I opened it and I noticed I was laying on Benny's chest. I looked up and I saw all the guys starring at me. "Woah." Repeat said. Benny woke up from feeling my movement and noticed all the guys starring. "What are you guys starring at?" Benny asked. "Why was my sister sleeping on your chest?" Scotty asked. "I wasn't sleeping on his chest Scotty. "Yeah yeah you were. We all saw." Yeah Yeah said. I sighed and covered my face in my pillow. "Leave her alone guys. Stop being jerks." Benny said. I looked at him and smiled. "Something is going on here, but, I'll leave it alone for now. DeNunez said. The guys started packing there things. "Where are you guys going?" Scotty home. "Were going home to change, eat breakfast, and then come back here." Bertram said. "Yeah, see you guys in a bit." Squints said and the guys walked out of the tree house. I sighed and looked over at Benny and then at Scotty. Scotty gave us a confused but then a disgusted face. "I'm outta here." Scotty said and left. I got my stuff together and then stood up. Benny did the same, he was way taller than me. "Thanks for last night." I smiled. He nodded, "Anytime." Then, we both walked out of the tree house.

An hour later, Benny came to our house saying that Yeah Yeah and Squints went to go buy ball. We nodded and followed Benny to the sandlot. The guys were already there except Yeah Yeah and Squints. The guys were not on the diamond this time but they were sitting at the dugout with a cooler by them. "It is so hot today!" I groaned and sat by Timmy. Scotty sat by me too. Bertram handed me and Scotty some pop and we started to drink. It was refreshing for like a second and then it was really hot again. Are they really gonna play in this heat. I looked over at Benny and saw him swinging his bat a couple of times. That's a yes.

Squints POV: Me and Yeah Yeah bought another baseball because Ham did a homer and it went over the fence. Me and Yeah Yeah started arguing on who's gonna hold the ball. "I'm gonna hold it." Yeah Yeah said. "No I am.I bought it." I argued back. I looked forward with the baseball in my head and stopped in dead tracks. Oh wow! There she is. The most beautiful girl in the valley. I smiled as she walking in front of us, toward us. "Hello? Squints we gotta go!" Yeah Yeah said but I just ignored him. "What's wrong?" Yeah Yeah asked. I pointed forward and smiled in daze. "Wendy Peffercorn. Mmm." I said. "Woah!" We both said. I looked at him with a glare. She is mine. I like her fist, I thought. She kept stealing glances at me while smiling. She smiled at me. I smiled at her as she walked away. I starred at her butt while she was walking. "C'mon let's go. We gotta go." Yeah Yeah said and pulled my arm. "No." I said. "We gotta get to the sandlot. Let's go." Yeah Yeah and he pulled my arm while running.

We got to the sandlot but I kept trying to go back. "C'mon let's go." Yeah Yeah while still tugging on my arm. "I'm sweating like pig." Yeah Yeah said again. It was hot. All I wanted to do was see beautiful Wendy Peffercorn.

Ashley's POV: I heard chattering and I looked ahead. Finally, Squints and Yeah Yeah got her. But why is Yeah Yeah pulling his arm? "Where you guys been? We've been waiting here forever already." Benny said. Yeah, forever in this heat!! "Ah, Squints was pervin' a dish." Yeah Yeah said while handing the ball to Benny. Aww Squints has a crush. I mentally laughed. "Shut up I wasn't." Squints said annoyed and walked to take a seat. "Yeah yeah you were!" Yeah Yeah started out loud while Squints turned around the look at him. "Your tounge was hanging out of your head, and you was swoonin'.Oh Wendy Peffercon, my darling lover girl." Yeah Yeah said. I giggled quitley. I think that's cute. "I said shut up! I've got a lot of things on my mind." Squints said. What could he possibly have so much on his mind for a 12 year old? 

Ham came behind Benny sweating a lot. Eww. "This pop isn't working Benny. I'm baking like a toasted cheeser. It's so hot out here!" Ham complained. I couldn't blame him. It was hot out here. "It's 150 degrees out there. You can't play baseball. You have to call it for the day." Squints said. I looked over at Benny and he sighed while looking at the guys. Damn, he looks so hot while sweating. Wait, that's weird. Ew what's wrong with me. "You gotta listen to him man." Bertram said. Benny looked down annoyed, pucked his lips in then looked back up. "Vote then. Anybody who wants to be..." He started. I looked at him, "a 'can't hack it'.. pantywaist.. who wears their momma's bra, raise your hand." He finished. All the guys including Scotty raised their hands. "Put your hand out Ashley!" Ham said. "Uh, I already wear a bra, so no thank you." I said and rolled my eyes. I crossed my right leg over my left and crossed my arms. "So you really want to play in this heat?" DeNunez asked. "Well... no..." I said. "Then just raise your hand." Squints said. I sighed and looked at Benny. He was looking at me hopefull. "Sorry Benny." I said and raised my hand. He sighed, "Fine, fine fine! Be like that." He said annoyed. "So what are we gonna do?" He asked. "Ohhh. Ohhh." Yeah Yeah said while looking around smiling and then everyone said except me, Scotty, and Benny, "SCAM POOL HONEYS!" I scoffed. "Really?" I said getting up and walking away. "You guys are idiots." I just walked home but then I heard someone coming after me. 

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