Part 33

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The next I got out of bed and put on a loose crop T-shirt and jean shorts that ened a little before my knees, my black and white converse, my hair up, and a plain white hat. I put my hair up today and I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I walked in and I saw toast ready for me. I sat in front of Scotty and I started adding some butter to my toast. "So you and Benny made up?" Scotty asked me. I nodded. "How do you know? He told you?" He shook his head. When I went to go put the dishes in the sink, I saw you guys making out." I widened my eyes. "Is that all you saw?" I asked nervous. He nodded. "Oh, I thought you saw us yelling before we kissed." I said trying to cover up my nervousness. He shook his head and finished eating. "Are you coming today?" Scotty asked me. I nodded and I started eating. See, yesterday when I kissed Benny, I kinda of, sort of, put my hand in his jeans. Yeah... But I stopped and pulled away. I was so embarrassed but he kissed me and he said he didn't mind. Just for us to take things slow. 

We got to the sandlot and walked through the fence and into Timmy and Tommy's backyard. The guys were they already just sitting and talking and Benny looked over at us but he smirked at me. I put my head down and blush. He is obviously thinking about yesterday. "Hey Smalls." Benny said to Scotty. "Hey Benny. Hey guys." Scotty said. "Hey Smalls." The guys said. Benny walked up to me and put his hand under my chin for me to look up at him. "Why are you blushing?" He smirked. I smacked his chest, "You know why. Stop!" I said. He laughed and hugged me. I hugged him back and we stayed like that for awhile. "Um guys, if your done..." Timmy said. "Oh, sorry." I said and we pulled away. "Timmy came up with an idea that might actually work." Bertram said. I walked closer to the boys. "Really?" I asked. The nodded and Timmy lead me up the stairs to the tree house.

I walked in and I saw these 3 looking vaccum things. "What is this?" I asked confused. Bertram showed me the metal stick with the baseball gloves. "These things are conected to this and it will suck up the ball." Bertram said. "Squints. You stay on the floor and let us know if anything happens. Bertram, Scotty, you stay in here with the vaccums, Tommy you listen to what Squints tells you and the rest of will hold the pipe." Ham said. The guys nodded and went to their spots. I stood in front of Bertram and Scotty. "Power." Scotty said as he plugged them up. "Okay guys, almost ready." Bertram told the guys and walked back to his spot. "We're connecting power now." He told them and Timmy connected the plug to the pipe. "Power connected." Scotty said as he finished connecting the last one. The guys started lowering the pipe down. I looked over at Benny though the windown and him just flexing those muscels. Mmm. "Okay. we're ready." Ham said. I walked out so that I standing right under the door way. "Initiate retrival suction." Squints said. "Initiate retrival suction." Tommy told Timmy. "Prepare to initiate retrival suction number one." Timmy told the guys. "Okay. Get ready guys." Ham said. Benny's muscels kept flexing. I'm guessing this thing was heavy. "Initiate retrival suction number one." Timmy said. "Initiating retrival section number one, now." Bertram said and pressed the button. The guys made a whirring sound when he turned it on. "Fire number two." Squints said. "Initiate number two." Timmy said. "Firing two, now." Bertram said and pressed the button. The guys made a little groan when he did so. "Fire number three." Squints said. "Number three, now!" Scotty saidn and pressed the button. "Woah." Some of the guys said. I was a little scared for what might happened so I walked down the steps and away from the tree house.

"Ha. You gotta it. Haul it up." Squints said. They actually got it? Yes!! "All right!" The guys started cheering and started to bring it back up. Then, of course, the screamed. I looked up at the tree house looking at them as they were struggling to pull themselves back. "LET IT GO!" I shouted. Then, this weird noise came through. Huh? "What's going on, Squints?" Ham shouted. "The pipe. It's pinched shut." Squints said. Oh no. Not good. 

"Benny's POV: Oh man. We got it, yes. Then, out of nowhere The Beast came and this weird noise came through. "Turn it off, man." Bertram said. I was groaning, this thing was heavy. "I can't. They're shourting out." Smalls said. "Guys, the vaccs are clogged. I don't know about you, but I'm getting the heck outta here." Bertram said. We all let go of the pipe panacking. "Let's go." I shouted. "Oh no. Ahhh." Squints shouted. "Ahh Ahh!" Bertram yelled. I ran right behind him. He jumped off and I followed behind him. "They're gonna blow! Ahhh!" Ham shouted and fell back. We all got up fast and ran for cover. Then, it blew."

Ashley's POV: After it blew, I ran to the guys. "OMG, are you guys okay?" I asked worried. "Yeah, babe, we are." Benny said. I hugged him and then Tommy since he was the youngest. I counted all the boys, "...7, 8,... Where's Timmy?" I asked worried. Then I heard footsteps. We all looked back and saw him walking down the steps. We all walked up to him with a jaws down to the floor. he sighed and shook off some dust. He looked back at the tree house. "We've been going about this all wrong. I blame myself." He sighed and looked at us. "We need total surprise. An airborn attack. The Beast will never expect it." Timmy said. We all nodded. He sighed and walked away. "Timmy, you okay?" I asked him. He looked back at me and nodded then smiled. "I'm fine. Thanks Ash." I nodded and smiled. 

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