Part 20

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"'Baccy man." Bertram said. Scotty still looked confused. "What do you do with it?" He asked. The guys looked shocked. I looked down and Benny looked away. "You're killing me Smalls!" Ham said. He grabbed the tobacco and took some in his mouth and shoved it in his mouth. "Chew it, of course." Ham said. "You do?" Scotty asked surprised. "Yes." Ham said. "Yeah, sure man. All the pros do it." DeNunez said. I sighed. Well, that is true. "Yeah yeah. Gives you tons of energy." Yeah Yeah said. Oh yea right. "Let's dip. Let's dip." Tommy cheered. Oh no. This is gonna end bad. "You got it, guys." Bertram said. and took some for himself and started passing it around. Scotty took some and handed the bag to Benny and then Benny took some. "Scotty! Don't take it!" I shouted to him. "Aw come on Ashley. Have some fun!" DeNunez said. "I can have fun without that." I said. I looked up at Benny and glared up at him. He looked at me and smiled and then took my hand. I sighed and just stood there. "Let's ride!" Bertram shouted and the guys cheered. I stood there and let go of Benny's hand. "Arn't you coming baby?" Benny asked. "No. This is gonna end up bad." I said and I sat an a bench next to the ride. He shrugged on ran onto the ride. The each sat alone, looking excited. This is not gonna end good. 

Scotty's POV: We all sat down, ready for the ride to start. Man, this chewing tobacco was good. I wonder what it actually is. Oh well. The ride started and we started cheering. Oh man, this is great. "Yeah!!" We all cheered. Looking back at one another. "Squints, this is the best." Timmy shouted. "All right." I shouted and clapped once. Then I heard the guys moaning and looking sick. Then, I started to feel sick. I never get dizzy like this. What was going on?

Ashley's POV: I heard some moaning and groaning and looked behind me up at the ride. I got off the bench and walked backwards looking at the ride. Oh no. Their not feeling good. I knew it. Oh no, Scotty! I could see their faces for like a second when they would pass and they didn't look good. Then they started spitting the rest of the chewing tobacco. I knew it. I just knew it. What idiots. The ride started going faster. Uh oh. Next thing I see is vomit going everywhere. Ewww. The guys strated to stop the ride when he saw that. I heard girls/women screaming. Oh no. I had such a disgusted look on my face. The vomit started going everywhere. Some landed on some lady's shoes. Gross. The ride finally stopped and people ran off the ride. A girl was screaming, she had vomit all over her chest. Ewwww! Then the guys started coming off. They had vomit all over there chest. I looked at Benny shocked. He was clean. He wasn't looking so good but he seemed vomit free. I looked over at Scotty and he had vomit all over his shirt. Ham was the last one off the ride and he burped. "Oh, that feels better." Ham said. 

The stopped a few feet away from me. They looked so sick, and they smelled. "Uh, ew." I said while I covered my nose. "You were right Ashley." Scotty said. "Yeah yeah, that wasn't such a great idea." Yeah Yeah said. "I told you guys, but you didn't listen." I said shaking my head. "Ughh!" The guys groaned. "I'm gonna go buy you some water, shirts, and some gum." I said. "I'm sorry baby. We should of listened to you." Benny said. He looked so sick. Then he ran to the nearest garbage can and threw up. At least he was clean. I sighed and went to go get them the stuff. What idiots. 

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