Part 24

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I decided not to be mad at them. To much work when you get angry with them. Then we heard Scotty screaming. "I got it guys! I got it! I got the ball guys!" Scotty said with the ball his hand, running up to us. Where did he get the ball though? "I got it! Right here guys!" He kept shouting. "I got the ball. I got it." Benny and Ham walked up to him with smiles on their faces. "Here Benny. I got it." Scotty said while Ham patted his back. "Bitchin'. Your ball, your ups. Here you go." Benny said as he gave Scotty the bat. The way Benny cussed was just so hot. "Okay." Scotty said. "All right. Come on. Kenny here." Benny said as he ran and threw the ball to DeNunez. "Come on. Yeah come on." Yeah Yeah said. I smiled and walked closer to Scotty. "Batter up!" Ham yelled and got into position. I smiled at Scotty. He looked so adorable with the bat in his hand. "Your flys open." Ham said to Scotty. Scotty looked down then looked up and missed. I glared at Ham but he didn't notice. "There's one." Ham chuckled. "One, two, three. Three strikes. Three pitches." Ham kept going. "Shut up Ham!" I yelled to him. "Hey, batter, batter, batter." I heard the guys scream. "Come on, Smalls!" The guys said. DeNunez threw the ball, Scotty swung the ball and BAM. The ball went flying. "Run!" Ham said. "Yes!!" Scotty shouted in pure amazment. "Woohoo! Go Scotty!" I shouted. "Way to go school meat. I taught him everything." Ham said. Liar, Benny taught him.

Benny's POV: DeNunez threw the ball and bam, he hit the ball and it flew. "Oh man, oh man." I said running backwards. I ran to the fence but the ball went over the fence. All right. His first homer. "Yeah! Nice hit Smalls! Nice hit!" I cheered for him and ran up to him. It's outta here. Who's got the big bat now boys?" I shouted. "Smalls, Smalls, Smalls." The guys cheered for him. I walked up to him and he walked closer to the fence. "Smalls?" I was confused. "Scotty. What's wrong?" I heard Ashley run over. "You forgot to turn. You go to third base. Smalls.... What the hell is doing?" Ham said. I looked over at Ashley and she looked at me and shrugged. "Maybe the shock of his first homer was just too much for him." Bertram said. I looked back at the guys. Ashley walked over a little closer to Smalls and we followed. "Smalls." The guys kept saying. "Smalls? Smalls." I said. He just kept starring at the fence. "Scotty. Look at me." Ashley said. He turned around with a scared face. "We gotta get that ball back." He said. We chuckled. "Oh, yeah, right." Ham said. "Good one Smalls." Ham continued. "Yeah good one Smalls." The guys laughed. "Guys, stop." Ashley said. I shrugged and smiled. "Hey, forgot about it man. Let's get another ball." I said to him. "No, you don't understand!" Smalls said. "Sure we do. You feel bad because you belted a homer. Now we can't play no more." I said. "No, you don't understand. That wasn't my ball." He shouted. "What?" Ashley asked. We all looked confused. "What do you mean that wasn't your ball?" Squints asked. 

"It was my stepdad's. I stole it from his trophy room. It was a present or something. Somebody gave it to him. But we gotta get it back, he's gonna kill me." Smalls said. "WHAT? YOU TOOK BILL'S BALL?" Ashley shouted. Smalls looked at Ashley with a sad look. "Scotty why?!?!" Ashley looked mad. "Ohh. Listen to me Smalls. It's the matter of life and death. Where did your old man get that ball?" Squints asked. "What? I don't know. Some lady gave it to him. Why?" He was confused. "What ball, Scotty?" Ashley asked. "What? Some lady?" The guys asked. "Yeah. She even signed her name on it. Some lady named.... Ruth. Baby Ruth." He said. WHAT?!?! "BABE RUTH? AHHH!!" We all shouted and ran to the fence.

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