Part 25

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Ashley's POV: "BABE RUTH?!?! AHHH!!!" The guys screamed and ran to the fence to look. I glared at Scotty and he looked at me scared. "I'm sorry Ashley." He begged. "No Scotty. Just, no." I said and sighed. I looked over at the guys and they were all quit. Then, out of no where, they screamed. "AHHHHHH!!!" They all got away from the fence and ran back to where they were before. "The Beast got it." DeNunez said. I looked back at Scotty and glared at him. "You're dead as a doornail, Smalls." Timmy said. "You're dead as a doornail, Smalls." Tommy repeated. Scotty sighed and looked down. I shook my head in disbelieve. "Smalls, you mean to tell me that you went home, swiped a ball that was signed by Babe Ruth, and you brought it out here and actually played with it?" Timmy said. "And actually played with it?" Tommy repeated. "Yeah. Yeah but I was gonna bring it back." Scotty said. "Ugh Scotty!!" I said, annoyed. "But it was signed by Babe Ruth!" Squints said, throwing his hands in the air. "Yeah. Yeah. You keep telling me that. Who is she?" Scotty said getting annoyed. I looked away. I was embarrassed for him right now. "What? What?" Ham said in utter shock. 

"The Sultan Of Swat." DeNunez said. "The King Of Crash." Bertram added. "The Colossus Of Clout." Timmy said. "The Colossus Of Clout." Tommy repeated. "Babe Ruth." They all said. I looked over at the guys and they were shocked. I looked at Benny and he had his hand covering his face. "The Great Bambino!" Ham said. Scotty gasped, "Oh my God. You mean that's the same guy?" He asked in utter shock. "Yes!" The guys said. I heard Benny sigh. "Smalls, Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player that ever lived. I mean, people say that he was less than a God but more than a man. You know, like Hercules or something." He looked over at the guys and continued. "That ball that you just aced to The Beast is worth, well, more than your whole life man." Benny said. Even though I was pissed at Scotty, I looked over at Benny and glared from his last statement. Scotty holds his stomach and groans and falls to his knees, "I don't feel so good." "Uh.oh. Fan him." Squints said. The guys came up to. The ones that had hates took it off and waved it in his face for fresh air and the other guys just waved their hands.

"Give him air. Give him air." Ham said. Even though the guys were shocked and little pissed at what he did, they were still helping him. "We have to get that ball back." Scotty said, looking up at the guys. I sighed. there was no way that was gonna happen. Benny sighed and stopped waving his hat. The guys did the same. "All right. When does your old man get back from work?" Benny asked. Scotty got back up, "He's gone on business. Out of town. But he could be back any time." I nodded and looked at Benny. "All right. Find out when." Benny said putting his hat back on. "And guys, spread out and look for bottles and cash em' in. We need 98 cents. We gotta buy us a ball." Benny finished. "Yeah." The guys cheered and ran to start looking. I looked over at Scotty, I sighed, and followed Benny. The guys were all in different areas looking for bottles. I came up behind Benny while he was and I slide my hands around him from behind. "You are such a great friend." I told him and kissed his back. He turned around, looked at me and smiled. "Why do you say that?" He asked and kissed my forehead. "Because, even though Scotty scrued up, you guys are helping him." I looked up at him. My eyes half shut because the sun was hitting my face. "I'd do anything for my best friends. And, my girlfriend." He winked at me. I giggled. "You are so cheeky." I said. "Only for you." Benny said and kissed me. 

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