All For You

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Christmas Morning:

"Shh, she's still sleeping!" Lindsey says as he opens the front door. They enter as silently as possible and go off to one of the many guest bedrooms to get settled. He goes to check on them a few minutes later but is shocked when he opens the first door in the hallway. He cannot believe his eyes.
"Mom?" He says in disbelief.
"Oh honey, you're up!" She says, going over to kiss him.
"When did you get here? How did you...?"
"Stevie, she arranged this for you for Christmas. Your brother is in the next room over. She didn't tell you? We arrived late last night, very early this morning and she said your were asleep."
"No she didn't tell me a thing." He had an ear to ear smile on his face and hugged his mother again. "Man, she is going to flip when she sees what I did" Lindsey says. He talks with his mother for a few minutes then leaves to say hello to his brother, before checking on his other guests. "Let me take the presents downstairs for you guys and I will be right back. Coffee? Are you hungry?" He lets the guests come down stairs and settle in the dining room that was so rarely used while others gather in the kitchen to cook various things. There was a feast to be had once it was finished but it would be nothing compared to Christmas dinner as a ham and a turkey  were already baking in the double oven.

Needing to pee, I wake up. I hear noise but figure it's Lindsey watching tv. When Ive gone about my business and washed my hands, I smell food. And being pregnant, I'm famished! I wash my face and clean myself up a bit before going downstairs.
"Lindsey?" I call. He comes rushing to the stairs to greet me.
"Good Morning, angel! Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas!" I say, kissing his cheek. He takes my hand from his face and admires my red nails briefly, then kisses my ring. "Oh, you have a fire going!"
"I thought you'd be cold" he tells me.
"What a surprise!" I say.
"I think I've got a better one for you. Want to see?"
I nod vigorously. "I didn't know we would be doing presents so early"
"Don't worry, there are plenty more where this came from"
I enter the living room and my niece is playing on the floor. "Aunt Stevie!" she squeals, and hugs me tightly. "Do you have something under your shirt?" She asks me and I hear laughter. Ugh, I hate when he leaves the tv on but I look over my shoulder to find the tv off. "Aunt Stevie?"
"Yes honey, I'm sorry"
"I said, is there something under your shirt?"
"I am having a baby, sweet girl."
"Is it moving? Is it a boy or a girl?"
"A little girl. She moves all the time. Would you like to feel?" Her eyes get so wide as I take her hands and let her feel our daughter kick.
"Wow! Does it hurt?"
"No, but sometimes it can surprise me!" She giggles and I take her by the hand. "Is your daddy here?" She nods. "Mommy too!
"Oh really? That's so wonderful!"
"Uncle Lindsey told me a secret, but I'm not supposed to tell"
"He did? What is it?" I crouch down to be face to face with her and she shakes her head.
"He told me not to tell, silly!"
"You can tell me though!" I tickle her and she is breathlessly trying to speak to me.
"You're the only person I'm not allowed to!" She giggles when I let her go. "I can show you though"
"Lead the way, my angel" She takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. She skips away to stand with my brother and Lori. When I see everyone in front of me, I fall to the floor in tears.
"Stephanie!" Lindsey says, coming over to me. "Are you alright?" I nod, sobbing into his shoulder.
"Th-thank you" I stammer, barely able to get the words out. "I love you"
"I love you too baby. I didn't want this reaction out of you!" I laugh a little. "Drama queen!" he teases.
"Mommy, daddy" I say, hugging them.
"My girl! Oh, were you surprised?"
"I missed you so much, mommy. I was devastated  that I wouldn't see everyone on Christmas but I wanted to be with Lindsey. It was such a hard decision and I cried every day"
"That's what Lindsey told us, sweet girl. He arranged for us to come out here to see you. He's taken such good care of us" Daddy says.
"Come here, sis!" Chris says, hugging me. "So, a little girl, huh?" I nod. "They're the best! We have two."
"You, you what?"
"Oh Lori,Chris! You've made me even happier than I already am. So you're not?"
"Nope. We figured if you and Buckingham can make it work, so can we"
"Lori, I'm so happy for you!" We hug each other and I cannot stop the tears from falling down my face. "Soon we will be belly to belly!" She jokes and I giggle. "I hear you have more news too!"
"We do" I say, looking over at Lindsey and he nods. I show her my ring and squeals loudly.
"You're engaged!"
"You did it, son" Daddy says to Lindsey, patting him on the back. "You know, you didn't have to ask for my permission though"
"He asked you?" I look at my father, smiling.
"Sure did, baby girl. You called us about not being able to make it for Christmas and when I asked to talk to him in private, we were checking flight times so we could be here for you for Christmas. That's when he asked me. He bought a ring and after all the trouble he was scared he'd never get the chance. Love conquers all, that's what you mother says, and he asked me if he could have your hand."
"And since he already has your heart, why not your hand?" My mother chimes in, crying.

Everyone begs to see my ring and we all talk about everything that has happened in such a short amount of time over breakfast. My brother leans over me as he grabs empty plates off the table to stick in the dishwasher and whispers in my ear "Congratulations, Steves. Looks like you won't be alone ever again" He kisses my cheek and we are both smiling. "Dreams really do come true"

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