Find Your Way

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"Please don't tell, Daddy" I beg. My mother is cooking while we talk about why I'm here.
"TeeDee, what is he going to think? You and Aria are moving back here, possibly forever and you want me to not say a word?"
"I will tell him, mama. I don't want him to hate Lindsey"
"He broke our daughter's heart again. I think we have the right to be angry but we will never hate him. He is our grand baby's father." She looks at me with such love and I hug her. "I will let you guys get settled but if you don't let him know what's going on, he will be very upset if he finds out on his own."
"Thank you, mama"
"You're welcome, sweet girl"

I help her with the rest of the dinner prep and Aria is playing on the living room floor. Daddy comes in and we greet him. Aria is obsessed with her Papa, hugging his legs tightly.
"How's my girl?" He asks her, picking her up. "Are you doing well, sweetness?" She nods her head enthusiastically and he kisses her all over. She giggles, her ringlets bouncing.
"My turn!" My mother says, taking Aria from my dad.
I get started making plates while they gush over my daughter, smiling at the silly things they're saying to her. Her laughter fills the house and in this moment, I'm very happy. After a little while longer we sit down and eat. Aria is picking at her food with her fingers, making quite the mess.
"Use your spoon, baby" I tell her. She picks it up with one hand, continuing to pick up her food with the other. I shake my head. "Silly thing!"
We talk about my house and all the things I need to do to get it ready for my little girl. We were gone for so long and she doesn't even have a room that's set up for her just yet. She has tons of toys that will soon litter her bedroom floor and mama says that will be good enough for now. In time, it will all come together.

"How is your album going, honey?" Daddy asks.
"Eh, it's coming along. It's a little derailed right now but I hope to get it up and running again."
"Oh, well I hope you won't have to delay anything."
"I don't think I will. Thank you daddy"
He looks up from his plate briefly to smile at me. The rest of the meal is eaten in comfortable silence.

Later that night, before we go home, my parents and I are sitting in the living room while Aria plays. It's been quite a day and I know she's getting tired. My mama makes me a cup of tea and we talk about what has been going on here since I've been home, things at home and daddy shifts uncomfortably when we land on the subject of Lindsey.
"Did he have anything to say about all of this?"
"I don't know why he couldn't be honest with me. We were fine when he told me what was going on before, we have been working through everything that has come our way but this time...I'm disgusted." I say, letting the tears flow that I had been holding in all day.
"Calm down, honey. We are here for you and we will help you for as long as you need with Aria. She's a joy to have around and so are you. I know you're in pain but it is what it is, right?" My mother says, holding my hand.
"Yeah" I say, wiping my tears. "I have to play with the hand I'm dealt"
"That's right, sweet girl. You will find your way" my father says.
"So I guess I'm just moving forward. I love being here in the desert and getting to see you and mama everyday....this could be a really great adventure" I say, trying to look on the bright side. "I get to decorate for my house for my little girl, and you know I will love doing that!"
"And here she will grow up like a normal child."
"I can give her so many beautiful memories, just like the ones I had. You're right."
"Of course I'm right" My father winks at me, smiling and I end up feeling a lot better by the end of our chat. "Don't be a stranger, my girl. We want to see you and Aria as often as we can"
"I won't. You will get sick of us!"
"Never" my mother says, hugging me as we get up to leave. Daddy hugs me next and they say goodbye to Aria before we leave.
"Bye-bye!" Aria squeals as I pick her up. "I love you!"
"We love you too, precious!" They kiss her and I honestly don't want to leave. I feel so good here. I knew I made the right choice coming home. Through living with everything I know now and what is to come in my life, I know we will be just fine.

A/N: since this one is short, I will be posting two

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