{101} Phone

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"Malcolm! Give me my phone back!" Jack cried, chasing his older, much taller brother around the kitchen.


"Please!? I have really personal shit on there!"

Somehow, just moments ago while Jack was scrolling through Instagram, Malcolm had managed to snatch his rose gold iPhone clean out of his hands.

The older boy held it up in the air knowing damn well Jack was no where near tall enough to ever get it down. He laughed, watching his younger brother jump up and down, reaching for his phone.

"You got nudes on here or some shit?" Malcolm smirked, running into the living room with Jack angrily bolting after him.

"No! Oh my god, I fuckin' hate you! I'm so tired of you always takin' my stuff, you can't just do that!"

Malcolm truly did love Jack. Even though he and his friends picked on him all the time, and sometimes it didn't seem like it, but he really did care about him. Malcolm stuck his middle finger up and Jack climbed onto the coffee table, reaching for his phone once again.

"You're never gonna reach it, you aren't tall enough, idiot! Hmm..." He tapped his pointer finger against his chin, still holding the device straight up into the air, "Maybe I'll give it back when I'm done with it."

"Malcolm, noooo! Give it back now or I'm telling mom!"

Jack was frustrated and worried Malcolm would crack his screen if he held onto it any longer. He decided to take action, and in one swift movement he jumped off the coffee table, reaching for the phone in Malcolm's hand. He missed and tried landing on his feet, but his balance was off and one foot landed before the other, it twisting slightly and he felt a painful popping sensation in his ankle right before falling on his ass.

The older boy snorted as he watched Jack fall to the floor. Tears forming in Jack's eyes as he laid back and immediately gripped his ankle with both hands.

"Oww..." He whimpered as he pushed his curly hair out of his eyes. His tears finally starting to fall as he tightly shut his eyes.

"Oh, shit!"

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