{117} Kik (3)

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Ronnie 🎀: Jack, are you awake??


Ronnie 🎀: Mark???

Mark 💪😜: What's up? It's like 3 AM lol 

Ronnie 🎀: Yeah, something happened earlier and I feel like I need to talk to somebody about it cause I really don't know what to do. Jack's asleep?

Mark 💪😜: Yeah, he's sleeping, but wanna tell me about it? Maybe I can help

Ronnie 🎀: Okay, please don't tell anyone but a few hours after you guys left my mom went out to get food and I was alone in my hospital room with my dad and he started yelling at me and calling me a whore and a slut and stuff. He said I was ugly and then he slapped me.

Mark 💪😜: Really???? Damn, You should probably tell your mom, like that's not okay... He's lying, you aren't ugly or a hoe

Ronnie 🎀: I'm too scared. Anyway, my face hurts but thanks! I Just feel really sad, and a bit confused right now.

Mark 💪😜: If it makes you feel better, I kinda know how you feel.

Ronnie 🎀: ???

Mark 💪😜: When I was in kindergarten we use to live in Hawaii and I was molested a few times. It's kind of a long story.

Ronnie 🎀: Really?? Jesus Christ That's scary! I would've never guessed, honestly

Mark 💪😜: Don't tell Jack, I've never told him so he has no idea. It doesn't really bother me anymore anyway.

Ronnie 🎀: omg, I promise I won't. I'm so sorry... Now I'm really sad.

Mark 💪😜: Yeah, it's okay now, so! No worries 😊

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