{21} Fat

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Jack giggled, looking over his outfit.

"What?" Felix raised an eyebrow, glancing over at his friend.

"My pants!" He folded his short legs so he was curled up in the red folding seat in the school auditorium. "Aren't they so cool?"

The Swedish boy examined Jack's pants. Skinny jeans, with one white and one black pant leg. He'd have to admit that they were pretty strange, but they did match well with the boy's black hoodie and blue converse. "They're pretty okay for you, I guess. I mean, I  wouldn't wear them but they're nice with your outfit."

"I think they're cute! I have pants kind of like that." Ronnie smiled, his small finger poking Jack's knee.

"Felix! there goes your girl!" The Irish boy pointed to an Italian girl, Marzia, who's just entered the front doors of the auditorium with her friends. "Go talk to her!"

A pink blush tinted the blonde's pale cheeks. There was no doubt that he liked Marzia; it was obvious. He's been admiring and talking about her ever since January of freshman year when she first transferred to Mariemont High School.

"I-I can't!" He stuttered, hiding his face in his hands.

"But I think she likes you."

"Fine." Felix gave in, getting up from his seat. "I'm gonna casually stand in the area, but if she doesn't come up to me first, I'm walking away." He argued, walking off to the other side of the big auditorium, followed by Ronnie who went to go find Jett.

Jack locked his phone, pulling out a bag of Goldfish, taking a few from the clear plastic bag and putting them in his mouth.

"Didn't you just eat breakfast?" A voice came from behind him. He turned around in his seat to Savannah standing behind him.

"Umm... Yeah, but I'm still hungry..."

"Goddamn, do you ever stop fucking eating? Goldfish are disgusting. That's why you're so fucking fat, You eat literally everything!" She sneered, twisting her long blonde hair around her fingers as she strutted away, walking as if she's some kind of fashion model or something

He stood up, sealing the plastic bag and making his way to the trashcan to throw the Goldfish away. Hot tears slid down his squeezable pale cheeks as he quickly walked towards the back doors of the auditorium.  

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