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Chapter 1- diary entry 1

ARTPOP is finally out, after two years of waiting. I cannot believe it! I was so excited this morning when I woke up, then right after school I went down to Wal-mart. I waited in line for two hours, and once I finally got up to the front, the man told me there was no more left. "WHAT?!" I practically yelled. "We sold out of all the copies of ARTPOP.." He said, his cheeks growing slightly red. My head dropped and I held back tears. "But I've been waiting for this for so long.." I said disappointedly. "I'm sorry Amy.. See you tomorrow." He said, clearly not understanding my disappointment. I was walking away with my head down, staring at the floor. I was walking past the empty cleaning isle when I accidentally ran into someone, and fell to the ground. "I am so sorry!" The woman said, gently helping me to my feet. "No it was my fault, I wasn't watchin where I was going." I answered, slowly beginning to lift my eyes. When they finally focused I realized I was looking into the face of none other than Lady Gaga, holding an arm full of ARTPOP copies. "O-Oh m-my. Gaga? I-It's you" I said excitedly, but quietly. She smiled and nodded, "Yes it is!" "I love you so much! I came here to get ARTPOP.. But they ran out.." I said, getting sad for a moment. "My fault.." She said with a laugh, handing me a signed copy if it. "R-Really? For me?" I asked. She nodded with a smile; I tried to contain my tears, but failed. "Aw, honey. Don't cry!" She said wiping the tears out from under my eyes. "I'm sorry it's just.. I love you so much. You're my inspiration.. And I.. You saved me." I said the last part quietly. "Aw, I love you too. You're so beautiful." she said, hugging me tightly. After that we took a picture, hugged again, and then she left, and I started my walk home, crying my eyes out, both because that amazing thing happened, and because it was already over.

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