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Chapter 29-diary entry 9(still)

Me and Gaga arrived at the diner just in time to see my dad walking in. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him, and Gaga stopped and looked back at me. "It's going to be ok baby, come on." She said, taking my hand. We walked in together, and walked back to the booth my dad was sitting at. "Hi, dad.." I said quietly, making him look up from a menu. "Amy.. Wow. I haven't seen you in years.. You've grown so much. You're beautiful." He said, causing me to shiver, and roll my eyes. "Dad, this is Lady Gaga, Gaga, this is my dad George." Gaga smiled at him, "Nice to meet you." She said sweetly. He just nodded. We sat down, and my dad and Gaga ordered some food. "So.. This is Gaga?" He said, staring her down. I nodded, and I could tell gaga was getting uncomfortable, so I lightly kicked him under the table. "Your mom tells me you're going 'on tour' with her" he said. I nodded, eyeing gaga. She set her hand on my knee. "What will you be doing while you're with her?" He asked. It began to feel like an interrogation. "Well, I don't know. Traveling with her, seeing the shows. But I'll be getting tutoring still so I can keep up with school." Gaga nodded, "I found her one of the best tutors, and I'm currently making sure everything is set for her to come with me." He looked at gaga with judgement still in his eyes. "Right. Will she be doing anything significant?" He asked her. "Well, just keeping me company I guess.. She's amazing at doing makeup, and she can write. She can also play piano. All those things could come in handy." "Here's the deal.." My dad started, "I just don't know that going on tour with an international pop star is the best thing for my 15 year old daughter. I'm sorry, but I don't like it." Gaga sighed, tightening her grip on my knee. "Sir, I know it'll be strange and maybe a bit scary for her, but I also think it will be a really good thing for her. She'll get a break, she'll get to travel the world.. And with me. It's not everyday that a 15 year old girl gets to become friends with her idol. But, Amy here has.. And I don't think it's fair for you to take that away from her. She deserves this. She's fought enough, it's time for her to get what she needs and wants. Love." My dad sat and took all of Gaga's words in, then looked at me. "This really means this much to you? She really means this much to you?" I rolled my eyes a bit, "Yes dad. She's my idol, my inspiration, she saved my life. She's all I've had for the last five years of my life." He sighed, putting down his sandwhich. "I really do not like this.. One bit. I don't want you going around the world with some lady I've never met.. Who quite honestly seems crazy.." I looked down at the table, feeling the sadness start to build up in my chest. "But.." He started again, "if it really means this much to you. I think you should go for it." I looked up and smiled really big. "Ah. Yay-ha!" Gaga squealed, hugging me tight. "I'm happy to know I have your support on this dad and that you even care in the first place.. Mom just said whatever." Then he said something that's still playing in my mind, making me think and think and think, "Well Amy, despite what you may think, and what has happened in the past. I do care about you, and I do love you." He tried to hug me, but I leaned away and into Gaga.

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