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Chapter 71-diary entry 30

When I woke up this morning Gaga was finishing her breakfast, and Taylor was getting ready to go start filming the new season of Chicago Fire. I sat down at the table, and Gaga slid me a plate. I got some eggs, and a pancake and started to eat, humming Brooklyn Nights in my head. Taylor came over and kissed Gaga, kissed the top of my head, and then went on his way. After a fairly uneventful morning Gaga decided to call Tara and see if she wanted to come over. Once she got here we watched some movies and talked about artrave, until there was a knock at the door. Gaga got up to answer it while Tara and I kept talking about which outfit was our favorite. After a good five minutes we realized Gaga was still gone. "Should we go check?" I asked. Tara shook her head, "No baby, it's fine." She said with a reassuring smile. We heard light murmurs, one sounded like a male voice. Just as I was beginning to worry again, we saw Gaga walk through the door followed by.. My father. "Hi Amy." He said upon seeing me. I just nodded, a bit confused as to want he was doing there. I looked at Gaga to see stress written all over her face. "What's going on?" I asked, looking between the two of them. "It's time for you to come home Amy." My dad said prosaically, as if it was just some "nice weather we're having" conversation. "What?" I asked, jumping up off of the couch. "This is not a safe place for you, I'm getting custody away from her and I'm taking you home with me." I looked at Gaga as tears filled my eyes; she already had tears running down her face. "But.. Why?" I squeaked. "Because she's not fit to be your mother. She's a pop star, Amy. She's about to be on tour, there's paparazzi, there's crazy stalker fans. Then there's the fact that she goes around slapping the day lights out of people." "That was an accident dad! She thought he was a paparazzi!" I cried, starting to shake. "I don't care, what happens when she loses her cool with you, huh? Then that will be you." I shook my head furiously, but he continued speaking, "What makes you think she wouldn't treat you the same way? Then there's the fact that I found out in the news today that you tried to kill yourself, and you're cutting. You come here and start all this shit. Amy, what is she doing to you." "She isn't doing anything! Dad, she's fixing me. That all started way before I met her. She's the only thing that's kept me from it. You can't take me away from her, please! She's all I have! Dad, please!" He started to go off on me, which pissed Gaga off so she began to yell at him. He then turned to her and spat every curse word known to man at her, calling her selfish, a whore, crazy, you name it. I tried to hug Gaga, but he yelled at her not to touch me, and she screamed back at him. It all became one big drone and I began to feel like I was losing my mind. I turned to Tara who was just standing back quietly, ready to pounce at any minute if necessary. I ran into her arms, and she held me tightly, trying to mollify my crying. "I need her dad. I need her." I kept whispering, praying that he would hear me, not just physically but mentally.


you guys.. this story is now currently the most read Gaga fanfiction on wattpad.. excuse me while i cry! thank you so so so freaking much!

hope you like this chapter! xx

sorry i've been kinda bad about updating.. some stuff has recently happened and writing is just not my number 1 right now.. i need some time.

also, is this constant drama getting old? is it becoming the same old thing? i really need to know..

xoxo Jenna

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