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Chapter 64- diary entry 26

This morning when I woke up Gaga told me that we were going shopping with Demi. I got up and started getting ready, Gaga right at my heels the entire time. When I went to get dressed, she simply turned away rather than leaving. I was annoyed at first, but then I remembered what she said last night, and chose to deal with the consequences of my actions. When I was all ready, the three of us made our way downstairs to the car. As we passed through the large crowd of monsters, and now lovatics, Gaga squeezed my hand so hard I started to feel like the circulation was being cut off. Once we got to the clearing in front of the car she let go, and let me climb in. On the car ride she attempted to be a part of a Demi and my's conversation, but kept drifting off into blank, silent stares. At the mall, she just followed us around, holding my hand tightly. We shopped around for a while, and Demi and I had a lot of fun, but I began to get more and more worried about Gaga as time passed. We were leaving the mall, heading towards the car, when out of nowhere a mob of paparazzi and possibly even a few fans swarmed around us. Gaga got stuck behind some people, and Demi continued to drag me through the crowd trying to get me to the car safely. Peter and Max had begun to come toward us, seeing we could use the assistance of our body guards. I heard Gaga starting to yell behind us, "Amy! Amy!!" I turned to see her looking for me, desperation in her face. "Amy, where are you?" she cried. "I'm right here momma, it's ok!" I called, seeing her take a giant step closer to Demi and me. "Amy!" A pap called, shoving a microphone in my face, hitting me in the mouth. "Hey!" Gaga shouted, shoving through people, finally getting closer to us. "Amy!" All the paps started yelling at me, shoving microphones and cameras in my face. I started getting anxious and clung tightly to Demi, begging her to make it stop. I could faintly hear Gaga yelling my name behind us, but everything was becoming blurry, and all sound turned to a big loud hum, until it was pierced with the high pitched sound of Gaga screaming. I snapped out of my trace to see that I had fallen to the ground and the entire mob had fallen silent; as Gaga was still screaming. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? SHE'S A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL! LEAVE HER ALONE. GET AWAY FROM HER. DON'T TOUCH HER." she continued to scream while running towards me. A pap tried to help me up, genuinely trying to be kind, but Gaga slapped him and screamed, "I SAID NOT TO TOUCH HER!" Her entire body was shaking, as was mine. She had tears in her eyes, that began to fall as she helped me up and pulled me in to her tightly. I had never heard somebody scream like that, and clearly, by the total silence, neither had the media. Peter and Max finally reached us, and were able to escort us to the car safely. We all sat in complete silence the whole way home.


oooooh.. something's up with Gaga!

hope you enjoyed.

G.U.Y is on the radio right now!! yaaasss mama!

feedback is appreciated. :)

xoxo Jenna

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