Meeting her again

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Chapter 1 - Meeting her again

Baekhyun's pov

It's a wonderful morning and as usual as a man working is always my main concern. Working has been my priority, it keeps me distracted from her 'Kim Hyejin' a girl I truly love, she left me 5 years ago and until now I couldn't find her.

I have never stopped loving her then and now it will always be her, forever. I do not know what was the reason she left, I have so many questions to ask her, so many things I want to hear but I just want to make sure she is safe and back in my arms.

To introduce myself, my name is Byun Baekhyun and currently, I am a working adult at 25 years old. I am single as you have already read but never single at heart, I am a workaholic as everyone calls me and I own one of the richest company in the world.

-back to the story-

"Sir, Mr park is here to see you do you want me to send him up? " - Min is my P. A(personal assistant)

"Yes please, thank you" - Baekhyun

"Please come in Mr. Park and take a seat, I hope you have great news for me" - Baekhyun

"Certainly am Mr. Byun I found someone who fits right to your description, she is currently living in America, Los Angeles and is studying there. I am not very sure if she is the right person you are looking for but her age, birth date, name and most of her details matches the one you gave me." - Mr park

I have hired a detective to look for my precious girl when she left Korea a few years back I didn't have the money or the courage to look for her but now after my company started to gain more popularity and income, I could do whatever I want and the first thing I did was to hire some detectives to look for her.

"I trust your work and I hope you won't drag the time any longer and just bring her back here for me, I want her back by my side I have lost 5 years of my time with her I won't want to lose any minutes without anymore. Please bring her back to the office, we will see if she is the right one." - Baekhyun
Nervousness and excitement were what I am feeling right now but deep down I was also scared that it will not be her, my baby girl but I sure hope she will be back with me.

Time passed and the day where I knew she is going to be here in my office, Mr. Park just texted me saying that she is currently on the way here and I sure have plans for her, as I smirk if she wasn't planning to stay.

Heels are clicking as it walked even faster as if the person was trying to kill someone, and I exactly who it was
'Kim Hyejin my beautiful love'

"Come in" I replied as sweetly as I could know how nervous I am in seeing her after 5 years. The door opens revealing the most beautiful girl with a very angry face
"Mr. Byun, what a great pleasure to see you after so long from running away from you if you have a better excuse of why you have to find me and quit me from continuing my education you have 5 minutes Mister before I kill you!!!" Note the sarcasm of her tone

"Baby girl is this how you are going to greet me after so long? What about my kiss?" Adding more fuel into the fire well I have already prepared my coffin in case I died today, but I will die with no regrets.

"Don't make me Byun, I asked you why did you have to drag me here? Can't you see I do not want to see you again?" A slight hurt from her words as I wasn't expecting this kind of greeting. I was mostly expecting her to beg me?

"I just wanted you back here with me, why did you have to run away? I can give you education here baby, even money"

"I don't need your jerk ass money, I just want to go home and if you think you could drag me all the way here to just put up with your stupid excuses of wanting me by your side again,  you are wrong. I don't need your help" if that is what she wants, I guess I would have to use my hidden cards.

"Baby girl, you have nowhere else to go. You have no more school, no money to last you a flight back to America and I know your dad is currently an alcoholic and doesn't provide you with any expenses, he even asked you for more. Do you really think you can survive if you go back home? I can provide you with everything you need baby, you just have to be with me again and that all I am asking?" I really hope this helps with changing her mind about leaving again.

"You are such a huge jerk! How could you do this to me, I was perfectly fine without you in America and now you take back everything away from me again." She said with hurt in her eyes, the brown eyes I will never get sick of.

"I am a jerk, a jerk who loves you dearly. I am not taking things away from you I am trying to make your life better don't you see it? I know you are suffering there having 2-3 part-time jobs and juggling school and your crazy ass dad. And you expect me to do nothing after knowing all of this?"

"You had me followed and gathered information about me? You are really a coward byun baekhyun, I didn't know you stood at that level"
Really she getting mad is really hot,  I could just kiss those lips right now but I know a fuming mad lady isn't a very approachable person.

"I wanted to look for you after knowing you were in LA I had to know how you were doing, I couldn't leave you there, please think about it. I am helping you as well as your dad here baby"

She stood there and stare right through my eyes and I know that she is thinking really hard whether this is the right decision for her but truthfully this is the only way to continue her life if she wants her dad to continue to use her as a slave.

"I...I...I can't do it, knowing I am just using you as an income. No this is not the way, I can't do this baekhyun."

I could really hug right now,  looking at how fragile she is "I'm not giving you an option baby, I am ordering you to stay here with me and you know very well you need the money for you and your dad. I can give you everything whatever you need for just 2 years, please stay by my side. After two years you can leave if you want." That will give me enough time to win her heart again and this will convince her enough to change her mind, I hope.

"2 years? Just 2 years? And my education and my dad as well?"

"Yes baby girl anything and whatever you need, I will give it to you."

She looks down thinking before she nods her head and I jolly well know that I have my girl back in my arms.

"Fine, just this two years please."
I smirk.

How is the first chapter, was it up to your expectation? I haven't had any ideas about starting a new book again but since it's my school holiday. I am doing a new book which is 'Only Mine' please give this book lots of love!

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