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The ending is getting nearer, please enjoy a chapter of Taehyung's pov. LIKE FINALLY? -xoxocryz

Kim Taehyung's pov

It is the weekends and today is the day, that I would be meeting up with Hyejinnie. Won't lie but I am feeling nervous upon facing her today when I treated her so badly in the past just because of my selfishness, Baekhyun was right she should be drag into the chaos of our problems. It was and is still between just the both of us and we should keep it that way. After the incident of me walking out of class and leaving Hyejin alone, she seems more silent and private within herself only noticing her having small conversations with our classmates and that is about it. My close friend Jimin would always talk to me to reconcile with her but my pride didn't agree. 

Looking at her being alone during break times and not having other friends in school, quickly heading back home so she could be with Baekhyun saddens me. Feeling my thoughts as it goes to how much our Mr. Byun is really in love with her and how much effort and care that he is willing to give her just for her to be happy and smiling. He was willing to throw his pride away to talk to me privately just for Hyejin to be happy again and that is the kind of love I would want to feel one day, to be appreciated and loved. 

Currently eating breakfast in my house with no other than my close friend Park Jimin with his nagging. "You know you need to start eating outside more often instead of heating up leftovers every day. Who eats leftover pizzas in the morning dude?" feeling slightly offended I looked up to him giving the most boring look "me, I eat leftover pizzas dude" trying to imitate his talking, note it is sarcasm. Jimin shakes his head not believing this kind of friend still exists. "You are seriously a weird friend" decided to ignore his comment I continued eating my leftover pizzas, to be honest, it still tastes great. "Why are you up so early it is the weekends? And you decided to call me over?" he asked curiously. "I need to get ready early because I'm meeting Hyejin and her boyfriend if he wants to come" being normal I continued munching on the pizza on my hand but Jimin stopped eating and looked at me. "Did I just hear you say you are meeting Hyejin as in Kim Hyejin? and her boyfriend? the Byun Baekhyun?" Nodding my head as my mouth was full. "I thought you decided not to involve yourself with the greatest couple of all time, may I quote exactly what you said" sighing as I did not want to explain in details "Byun and I got talking and we decided to at least be mutual with each other even though we still hate each other till our guts but for Hyejin's sake we will keep it down. Hyejin is like a sister to me before you start spitting nonsense out of your mouth" I warned him knowing his head is full of inappropriate things that no one should know of. 

"I trust you Taehyung-ah, if this is what you decided then we are backing you up. Which means Hyejin would be hanging out with us in school?" Jimin asked, I smiled slightly as Hyejin would be able to have friends in school instead of being all alone. "Yeah, she would like that" not wanting to waste any more time I quickly finish our breakfast and got ready to meet Hyejin and maybe Byun if he decides to come along at the cafe nearby our school. 

Leaving my house as planned and Jimin decides to head home probably to play some games. Noticing that I was early, quickly finding a table and sat down waiting for her to arrive. As I look outside of the window there they were holding hands, smiling so broadly with one another and not giving the world a look as they were in their fantasy. My lips slightly lifted as I was happy for them, knowing I had a crush on Kim Hyejin before but I knew deep down who she loves and that is Baekhyun. Their love will never die and that is what I want to have one day as well, a love where their fate never dies. Watching them as they entered the cafe hand in hand waving my hand for them to notice me, Hyejin smiled when she saw me and silently drag Baekhyun towards the table that I was sitting at. I greeted Hyejin before nodding my head at Baekhyun when he did the same. "Were you waiting long?" as Hyejin open up a conversation, shaking my head "No I just arrived as well" ensuring her. "Should we order?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going. Both of them agreed and I called the waiter over, "We would like to order please, I would have a Iced Americano and what would you both want?" "I would have a Iced latte and Iced Americano one shot for him please" looking at the couple as Hyejin ordered for Baekhyun without asking him what he wanted. 'they surprise me everyday' when our orders were taken down the waiter left giving us some privacy. "It's great to see the both of you smiling so much it makes me feel that I need to leave the both of you alone" feeling playful I decided to joke around a little and Hyejin had a slight blush with my sentence when Baekhyun replied "we would pretty much feel thankful if you leave" he smiled as I shook my head knowing very well of how Baekhyun speaks, Hyejin frown upon the way her boyfriend speaks and see hit him on his arm giving him a disapproving look and I laughed never once seeing how whipped Baekhyun is to a girl. 'it is fascinating'

Not wanting to drag anymore of the couples time, quickly bringing back to the purpose on why we were here "Thanks for agreeing to meet up with me Hyejinnie, I would like to apologise for the wrong doings of what I had done in the past. It was inmature of me to treat you that way and not realising how you felt being in the middle. Im glad that the both of you are together again and I give my warm blessing to the both of you and hopefully you would forgive me" looking straight into Hyejin's eyes giving her my full sincerity "I would like to apologise too Taehyung, I did not mean to keep pestering you on letting me know of the past between the both of you but I was curious and I'm sorry for being that way. I heard the truth and know it has nothing to do with me then and I am really thankful that the both of you could be here sitting at the same table without fighting with one another, thank you." she exclaimed happily as she look towards Baekhyun and I giving us a smile. 

And the day went on and our conversation kept going, Hyejin has agreed to join my group in school and during break times she would have lunch with us and we promise to protect her at all times, of course with Baekhyun's approval. I'm glad everything is falling into place on what they should have been in the first place. 

The greatest couple of all time Byun Baekhyun and Kim Hyejin. 

That is the end of the chapter and sadly I would have to admit this is the last chapter of the book. Thank you for going on this long journey with me into finishing this book up, thank you to those who kept giving me positive comments and support to ensure that this book is completed. I am so happy to be able to write great books for you guys, Love -xoxocryz

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