Date Day

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Baekhyun's pov

Work shift has ended and I am on my way to pick up Hyejin from school, i am excited but really nervous. Today will be our official date after 5 years of being away from each other and I finally get to take her on a date, i won't be taking things to quickly yet I want her to be comfortable with me, she is opening up to me more and I do not want to ruin it. I'm gonna bring her to somewhere special somewhere the both of us always belong. I didn't get much work done today, I barely had any concentration on as I was so nervous in planning for the date that I had to plan everything and call up everyone but if it is for Hyejin I will do anything just to make her happy and smile again.

Realising that since Hyejin left 5 years ago she had never smiled or be so happy before, maybe something really bad happen here or in America and I am going to find out, if the reason she left was because of me, i will never forgive myself but I know it's all a misunderstanding because I will never do anything to make Hyejin leave me, I am to lovestruck to even do anything.

As I reach Seoul university, I parked my car outside the school waiting my girl to come out so we could go home and prepare, I even prepared a dress for her and I hope she likes it. Not many people knows that I own this school, well it's not something I like to boast about unless it's business related. But the main Teachers and Principle and staff knows that I own it that's why they need to treat my girl like a princess whatever she wants and whatever she do she gets away with it, she has me wrapped around her fingers. Damn that girl, I'm whipped.

I was leaning on my car when I saw Hyejin heading out, she was walking with a smile on her face and that makes me smile too looking at her being so happy. She approached me saying "Hey sorry did you wait long?" I shook my head "Nope I just arrive princess, get in the car come on" I opened the car door for her as she slide in before putting the seat belt on. I got in, buckled my seat belt and we drove home excited for the night.
"I prepared you a dress, I placed it on your bed please wear that for the date I would like to see it on you." I slightly turn to look at her as she gave same reaction before  whispering a thank you and had a slight blush on her cheeks, this is the real Kim Hyejin ladies and gentlemen. We arrived home as the maids came out to take my coat, and brought Hyejin in to get her prepared for the night, I told them in advance to help her out.

I had finish washing up and standing in front  of the mirror combing and styling my hair, as I try to make it look as good as possible. After being happy with my look I head down to living room to wait for Hyejin to head down, as I sat there in my tuxedo and playing with my fingers, I heard heels clicking down the stairs and I looked us stunned with the beauty in front of me, why is she so beautiful. Her red dress flows down her curves as her right leg slid through the open cut of the dress, it was a love v neck cut that I know Hyejin will look great on but this is is stunning.

'I must have great taste in fashion.'

I stood up and stood by her side looking at her from head to toe, if only I hadn't controlled myself I would have cancelled the date and just spend the night in bed with her right beside me. "You are so beautiful, you always were but today you looked stunning" she blush with my words and replied " you look handsome as well, I love what you did to your hair" I grab her hands and interlock our fingers together "You always like this hairstyle remember, even in the past. For you I will do this hair everyday if I have to just for you." She giggled before my pinching my cheeks before saying the cute word as we walked out and argued.

'I was never cute, I am handsome.'

I blindfolded her and pulled her closer to me as brought her to the destination of our date, our previous hang out place. Which we love to come when we were a couple back then we could always come here and cuddle and watch the stars, just loving each other presence before everything shattered but today we are gonna revive that memory. I prepared tables and chairs and waiters and chefs to serve us food before excusing them away for the night.
I pulled the blindfold away, nervously waiting to see the reaction of Hyejin about this place, she squint her eyes from the blurry look from the blindfold before looking around with wide eyes, mouth opening just shocked to see this place after so long, memories came flashing in as she remembered every single one of them and she treasures them to her heart. "You remembered this place?" I tried asking her, she nodded her head still looking around
"I brought you here tonight for our date, a place we both truly love, I know you love the beach here and nobody barely comes here so guess what I bought part of the beach, this whole land is ours, yours to share.

After hearing that Hyejin turned to look at me, shocked of what I just said, something I truely meant. "You didn't have to do that Baek, just being here again is enough. I don't want you to spend money on me Baek" she tried talking me out but I had made my decision, a firm decision I wasn't going back.
"It's not wasting money Jagiya, my money is yours. In the future we could build a house here and you get to see the the sunrise at the beach everyday, yes I just said the future, one day we are gonna get married and have kids and grow old together to unity and forever. Even 5 years ago you were mine, until now you are still mine Kim Hyejin, you are not running away from me again." With that I end my sentence and lean up close to her our bodies colliding and I place my lips on her lips missing it on how it taste like, missing my lips moving with hers. I kiss her never letting her go and something even better she didn't push me away, she kissed me back.

That's all people, I'm don't with the date chapter! So how was it? Hope you all like it💕
Are they finally back together? Find out at the next chapter. By the way to you readers I have just open an Instagram account for short fanfics, if you like to read fanfics come follow me and you can suggest a member you like and I will make a story with it!
Thank you once again!

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