Too much Hotness

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New chapter up for reads! Please enjoy it as much as I did to type it out. Thank you for sticking around and going on a roller coaster ride with the characters and the author, 감사합니다 -xoxocryz

Baekhyun's pov

After the incident back in Hyejin's school I walked out of the restroom with her in my arms and told her teachers that she will not be attending class for the rest of the day and will need to have some rest the next few days. Now Hyejin is asleep in my arms as I make my way towards my car and opening the passenger seat, sliding her out of my arms to place the seatbelt over her. I stood over her as I stared at her sleeping face 'not trying to be creepy' but was trying to figure out what has she been hiding from me all these years that I have not known. This beautiful woman right here has a past that not even I know about, scares me and I need to get her to open up to me or I might have to dig it up myself. Ending my thoughts I closed the passenger door and walked towards the driver side and slide in not wasting anymore time, firing up the car I quickly got out of the school compound and through the main road heading home.

Driving with one hand on the steering wheel I use the other to grab her hand and interlaced it together wanting her to feel comfort without even noticing Hyejin lean towards my arm slightly and held my hand tightly. Glancing towards her and smiling slightly at her sleeping figure as I know she is too deep in her sleep to notice her habit, not wanting to disturb her as I knew she had a very hard day and finally able to get some sleep really calms her down. As we were reaching the destination I thought of the conversation I had with the staff earlier and what had triggered her to start crying and locking herself up "Kim Taehyung" that bastard must have said something mean to my girl. Just the thought of it made me mad as I clenched my hand on steering wheel and not even noticing that my jaws clenching together as I stared out of the road with another hand still holding on to Hyejin.

'Kim Taehyung will not get away with this'

Reaching home I parked the car and held her in my arms as I carried her home walking towards our bedroom I slowly place her on the bed and took off her shoes and socks before allowing the blankets to drape over her as I ensure she was comfortable before taking out my tie and my suit jacket placing it on one of the chairs knowing someone will come and clean it up later. Unbottoning the first two buttons feeling hot, I fold my sleeves up towards my elbow as I watch my beautiful one sleeping peacefully which made my smile knowing how bless I was to have her here with me. Remembering that I walked of my office halfway through because of Hyejin I needed to make some important calls deciding to enure Hyejin is fine I went towards our bed and place both of hands on either side of her head giving her a loving kiss on the forehead before heading out to my home office to get some work done.

Working in my home office and making calls all over and not realising I was in here for at least 2 hours still tring to sort out some things, I heard footsteps approaching my office and I knew it was her I kept going with my work as I heard the door open slightly as I look up my baby was rubbing her eyes and pouting so casually knowing she had woken up and was finding me straight away. I chuckled at her cuteness as she made her way over to me as her pout got even cuter. 'She wants my attention, how cute is my baby' I turn towards her as she spoke softly "Baek" and I pushed my chair away from my work table as I waited for her to continue but what she did next surprised me.

Climbing on my lap as she straddled facing me, not wanting to be surprised in front of her I took the opportunity to wrap my hands around her waist as she placed her face on the crook of my neck "my baby is being clingy today, not that i'm complaining" I teased her as I rub her back slowly letting her feel comfortable. She giggled sending vibrations through my neck and as much as I love her sound it makes me have thoughts that I should not have especially with what had happened today. But with her on my lap is not helping miserably.

"You were not in the room when I woke up" as she let goof her hands on my neck and placing it on my chest instead and now facing directly in front of me as she look into my eyes. Her pouting is making me feel so soft, "I had to get things done baby and I forgot all about the time with the amount of work piling up" casually placing my hands on her hips as I rub it sending comfort to her and myself. Looking into her eyes but could not help but look lower towards her lips instead and I knew she wanted to kiss me as much as I did. Slowly leaning in I captured her lips against mine as we move in a rhythm sending chills down my spine as she lean in more on me making me have so much feels in my body at how good she is in my arms and how good it felt kissing her. Knowing if I did not stop now things might escalate further and she was not ready for that, I slowly let her lips go as we catch our breath and looking at her at how she look so good right now.

"You know you are so beautiful right, did I tell you that? I love you baby" Giving her my life if I needed to, she smiled and replied really softly "I love you too Baek" and she lean towards me even more and her hands slide around my neck as we stayed in that position knowing we had each other.

OMG! I cannot believe I just typed that out, the feels is making me so weird right now. Hope everyone love this cringy chapter today. Comment and Vote! -xoxocryz

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